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inclusion within a space: He ran in the park. The pie is in the oven.
Not to be confused with:
into – to the inside of: She came into the building.; in toward: I’m going into town.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


The symbol for indium.



in 1

a. Within the limits, bounds, or area of: was hit in the face; born in the spring; a chair in the garden.
b. From the outside to a point within; into: threw the letter in the wastebasket.
2. To or at a situation or condition of: was split in two; in debt; a woman in love.
a. Having the activity, occupation, or function of: a life in politics; the officer in command.
b. During the act or process of: tripped in racing for the bus.
a. With the arrangement or order of: fabric that fell in luxuriant folds; arranged to purchase the car in equal payments.
b. After the style or form of: a poem in iambic pentameter.
5. With the characteristic, attribute, or property of: a tall man in an overcoat.
a. By means of: paid in cash.
b. Made with or through the medium of: a statue in bronze; a note written in German.
7. With the aim or purpose of: followed in pursuit.
8. With reference to: six inches in depth; has faith in your judgment.
9. Used to indicate the second and larger term of a ratio or proportion: saved only one in ten.
1. To or toward the inside: opened the door and stepped in.
2. To or toward a destination or goal: The mob closed in.
3. Sports So as to score, as by crossing home plate in baseball: singled the runner in.
4. Within a place, as of business or residence: The manager is in before anyone else.
5. So as to be available or under one's control: We can proceed when all the evidence is in.
6. So as to include or incorporate: Fold in the egg whites.
7. So as to occupy a position of success or favor: campaigned hard and was voted in.
8. In a particular relationship: got in bad with their supervisor.
1. Located inside; inner.
2. Incoming; inward: took the in bus.
3. Holding office; having power: the in party.
4. Informal
a. Currently fashionable: the in thing to wear this season.
b. Concerned with or attuned to the latest fashions: the in crowd. See Synonyms at fashionable.
5. Relating to, understandable to, or coming from an exclusive group: an in reference.
1. One that has position, influence, or power: the ins against the outs.
2. Informal Influence; power: had an in with the authorities.
in for
Guaranteed to get or have: You're in for a big surprise.
in on
Informed about; participating in: Only one business partner was not in on the illegal scheme.
in that
For the reason that.

[Middle English, from Old English; see en in Indo-European roots.]

in 2

or in.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. inside; within: no smoking in the auditorium.
2. at a place where there is: lying in the shade; walking in the rain.
3. indicating a state, situation, or condition: in a deep sleep; standing in silence.
4. before or when (a period of time) has elapsed: come back in one year.
5. using (a language, etc) as a means of communication: written in code.
6. concerned or involved with, esp as an occupation: in journalism.
7. expressing a ratio, proportion, or probability: one in five boys.
8. while or by performing the action of; as a consequence of or by means of: in crossing the street he was run over.
9. used to indicate goal or purpose: in honour of the president.
10. (used of certain animals) about to give birth to; pregnant with (specified offspring): in foal; in calf.
11. a variant of into: she fell in the water; he tore the paper in two.
12. have it in one (often foll by an infinitive) to have the ability (to do something)
13. in it informal Austral joining in; taking part
14. in that in so far as (conjunction) because or to the extent that; inasmuch as: I regret my remark in that it upset you.
15. nothing in it no difference or interval between two things
adv (particle)
16. in or into a particular place; inward or indoors: come in; bring him in.
17. so as to achieve office, power, or authority: the Conservatives got in at the last election.
18. so as to enclose: block in; cover in a hole.
19. (in certain games) so as to take one's turn or one's team's turn at a certain aspect of the play; taking one's innings: you have to get the other side out before you go in.
20. Brit (of a fire) alight: do you keep the fire in all night?.
21. (in combination) indicating an activity or gathering, esp one organized to protest against something: teach-in; work-in.
22. in at present at (the beginning, end, etc)
23. in between between
24. in for about to be affected by (something, esp something unpleasant): you're in for a shock.
25. in on acquainted with or sharing in: I was in on all his plans.
26. in with associated with; friendly with; regarded highly by
27. have it in for have got it in for informal to wish or intend harm towards
28. (stressed) fashionable; modish: the in thing to do.
29. NZ competing: you've got to be in to win.
ins and outs intricacies or complications; details: the ins and outs of a computer system.
[Old English; compare Old High German in, Welsh yn, Old Norse ī, Latin in, Greek en]


the internet domain name for
(Computer Science) India


the chemical symbol for
(Elements & Compounds) indium


abbreviation for
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. (used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits): walking in the park.
2. (used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial): in politics; in the autumn.
3. (used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time): in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes.
4. (used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action, etc.): to speak in a whisper.
5. (used to indicate means): spoken in French.
6. (used to indicate motion or direction from outside to a point within) into: Let's go in the house.
7. (used to indicate transition from one state to another): to break in half.
8. (used to indicate object or purpose): speaking in honor of the event.
9. in or into some place, position, state, relation, etc.: Please come in.
10. on the inside; within.
11. in one's house or office.
12. in office or power.
13. in possession or occupancy.
14. having the turn to play, as in a game.
15. Baseball. (of an infielder or outfielder) in a position closer to home plate than usual; short: The third baseman played in.
16. on good terms; in favor: in with his boss.
17. in vogue; in style: Hats are in this year.
18. in season.
19. inner; internal: the in part of a mechanism.
a. in favor with advanced or sophisticated people; fashionable; stylish: the in place to dine.
b. comprehensible only to a special group: an in joke.
21. included in a favored group.
22. inbound: an in train.
23. plentiful; available.
24. being in power: the in party.
25. Usu., ins. persons who are in.
26. pull or influence: He's got an in with the senator.
27. a valid or playable return or service in sports.
1. in for, certain to undergo (a disagreeable experience).
2. in for it, Slang. about to suffer punishment or unpleasant consequences.
3. in like Flynn, Slang. in circumstances of assured success.
4. in that, because; inasmuch as.
[before 900; Middle English, Old English, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old High German]




Chem. Symbol.


a prefix representing English in (income; indwelling; inland), used also as a verb-formative with transitive, intensive, or sometimes little apparent force (intrust; ingulf). It often assumes the same forms as in- 2, such as en-1, em-1, im-3.
[Middle English, Old English; see in]


a prefix of Latin origin meaning primarily “in,” but used also as a verb-formative with the same force as in-1 (incarcerate; incantation).
Also, il- , im-, ir-. Compare em- 1 , en-1.


a prefix of Latin origin, corresponding to English un-, having a negative or privative force, freely used as an English formative, esp. of adjectives and their derivatives and of nouns (indefensible; inexpensive; invariable). It has the same variants before consonants as in-2 (immeasurable; illiterate; irregular, etc.). Compare il- 2 , im-2, ir-2.


a noun suffix used in chemical nomenclature (glycerin; acetin). In spelling, usage wavers between -in and -ine. In chemistry a certain distinction of use is attempted, basic substances having the termination -ine rather than -in (ammine; aniline), and -in being restricted to certain neutral compounds, glycerides, glucosides, and proteids (albumin), but this distinction is not always observed.
[< New Latin -ina. See -ine2]


a suffixal use of the adverb in, extracted from sit-in, forming nouns, usu. from verbs, referring to organized protests through or in support of the named activity (kneel-in; pray-in) or, more generally, to any organized social or cultural activity (cook-in; sing-in).


Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


The symbol for indium.
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. used for saying where something is

You use in as a preposition to say where someone or something is, or where something happens.

Carlos was in the bath.
I wanted to play in the park.
In New York we saw the Statue of Liberty.

In is sometimes used with superlatives.

The Ueno Zoo is the oldest zoo in Japan.
His company is one of the biggest in the world.
2. used for saying where something goes

You use in as an adverb to say that someone goes into a place, or that something is put into a container.

Someone knocked at the door, and Hana called 'Come in!'.
She opened her bag and put her phone in.

In is sometimes a preposition meaning into.

She threw both letters in the fire.
See into
3. used with expressions of time

In is often used with expressions of time.

You use in to say how long something takes.

He learned to drive in six months.
The food was all eaten in a few minutes.

You also use in to say how long it will be before something happens in the future.

In another hour it will be dark.

You use in to say that something happens during a particular year, month, or season.

In 1872, there was a terrible fire in Chicago.
Her birthday is in April.
We plan to go camping in the summer.

You use in with the to say that something happens regularly each morning, afternoon, or evening.

I often go swimming in the morning.
Dad used to sit there in the evening and listen to the radio.

Don't say 'in the night' to mean that something happens regularly each night. Use at night.

There were no lights in the street at night.
See night

Be Careful!
Don't say that something happens 'in' a particular day or date. Say that it happens on that day or date.

On Tuesday they went shopping.
Ali was born on April 10th.

Be Careful!
American speakers sometimes omit the on.

I'm going to a party Wednesday.

Be Careful!
Don't say that something lasts or continues 'in' a period of time. Say that it lasts or continues for that time.

I have known you for a long time.
I worked for the same company for ten years.
See for
4. meaning 'wearing'

In is sometimes used when saying what someone is wearing.

The bar was full of men in baseball caps.
See wear

Be Careful!
Don't use 'in' when you are talking about someone's ability to speak a language. Don't say, for example, 'She speaks in Russian'. Say 'She speaks Russian'.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a footin - a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
U.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USA, America, the States, U.S. - North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776
linear measure, linear unit - a unit of measurement of length
ft, foot - a linear unit of length equal to 12 inches or a third of a yard; "he is six feet tall"
ligne - a linear unit (1/40 inch) used to measure diameter of buttons
mesh - the number of openings per linear inch of a screen; measures size of particles; "a 100 mesh screen"; "100 mesh powdered cellulose"
mil - a unit of length equal to one thousandth of an inch; used to specify thickness (e.g., of sheets or wire)
pica em, em, pica - a linear unit (1/6 inch) used in printing - a rare soft silvery metallic elementIn - a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite
metal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.
blende, sphalerite, zinc blende - an ore that is the chief source of zinc; consists largely of zinc sulfide in crystalline form - a state in midwestern United StatesIN - a state in midwestern United States
Corn Belt - the midwestern states where corn is grown; Iowa and Illinois are excellent for raising corn and corn-fed livestock
middle west, Midwest, midwestern United States - the north central region of the United States (sometimes called the heartland or the breadbasket of America)
U.S.A., United States, United States of America, US, USA, America, the States, U.S. - North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776
Bloomington - a university town in south central Indiana
Evansville - a city in southwestern Indiana on the Ohio River
Fort Wayne - a city in northeastern Indiana
Gary - a city in northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan; steel production
capital of Indiana, Indianapolis - the capital and largest city of Indiana; a major commercial center in the country's heartland; site of an annual 500-mile automobile race
Lafayette - a university town in west central Indiana on the Wabash River
Muncie - a town in east central Indiana
South Bend - a city in northern Indiana
Wabash, Wabash River - a tributary of the Ohio River that rises in western Ohio and flows southwestward across Indiana - holding office; "the in party"
successful - having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome; "a successful architect"; "a successful business venture" - directed or bound inward; "took the in bus"; "the in basket"
incoming - arriving at a place or position; "incoming class"; "incoming mail" - currently fashionable; "the in thing to do"; "large shoulder pads are in"
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
fashionable, stylish - being or in accordance with current social fashions; "fashionable clothing"; "the fashionable side of town"; "a fashionable cafe" - to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. inside, within, in the interior of He was in his car.
2. into, within, inside Put the knives in the kitchen drawer.
3. with, by, within carrots wrapped in newspaper
4. during, in the year of, in the period of that early spring day in April 1949
5. after, following, subsequent to I'll have some breakfast ready in a few minutes.
6. per, out of, of One in five boys left school without a qualification.
1. at home My flatmate was in at the time.
2. inside, within, indoors, under cover They shook hands and went in.
3. arrived, here The train's in. We'll have to run for it.
4. high, rising If the tide was in, they went swimming.
1. fashionable, current, popular, cool (slang), hip (slang), happening (informal), stylish, trendy (Brit. informal), chic, up-to-date, in vogue, all the rage, up-to-the-minute, modish, à la mode A few years ago, jogging was in.
in for due for, likely to get, in line for, a candidate for When you go outside, you are in for a shock.
in for it in trouble, for it (informal), in deep water (informal), for the high jump (informal) He knew he was in for it.
in on aware of, familiar with, conscious of, wise to (slang), mindful of, acquainted with, alive to, hip to (slang), appreciative of, attentive to, conversant with, apprised of, cognizant of, sensible of I wasn't in on that particular discussion.
in with friendly with, popular with, accepted by, liked by, admired by, intimate with, in favour with She seems to have got in with the right crowd.
the ins and outs of something details, facts, particulars, features, factors, elements, aspects, specifics, components, technicalities Experts can advise on the ins and outs of dieting.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Informal. Being or in accordance with the current fashion:
Slang: with-it.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
بعدفيفِيفي: تَدُل عَلى الإتِّجاهفي: تَدُل عَلى الحالَه أو الظروف
vv móděv platnostiv rozporuve
ii fokusi krafti stykkeri takt
di dalam
á, íbrot, bútur; í sundureiga möguleikaflóîí gildi
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atėjęsatvykęskam nors kliūtipakilęs
celtiesdarbā u.c.)iekšā (mājāsmodēpēc
na kúsky
içindeiçineile meşgul-in paralelindekazanma şansı olma/olmama
bên trongvào lúc


When in is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg ask in, fill in, look in, etc, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, eg in the country, in ink, in danger, covered in, look up the other word.
1. (in expressions of place) → en; (= inside) → dentro de
it's in London/Scotland/Galiciaestá en Londres/Escocia/Galicia
in the gardenen el jardín
in the houseen casa; (= inside) → dentro de la casa
our bags were stolen, and our passports were in themnos robaron los bolsos, y nuestros pasaportes iban dentro
When phrases like in Madrid, in Germany are used to identify a particular group, de is the usual translation:
our colleagues in Madridnuestros colegas de Madrid
the chairs in the roomlas sillas de la habitación, las sillas que hay en la habitación or dentro de la habitación
in here/thereaquí/allí dentro
it's hot in hereaquí dentro hace calor
2. (in expressions of time)
2.1. (= during) → en
in 1986en 1986
in May/springen mayo/primavera
in the eighties/the 20th centuryen los años ochenta/el siglo 20
in the morning(s)/evening(s)por la mañana/la tarde
at four o'clock in the morning/afternoona las cuatro de la mañana/la tarde
2.2. (= for) she hasn't been here in yearshace años que no viene
2.3. (= in the space of) → en
I did it in 3 hours/dayslo hice en 3 horas/días
it was built in a weekfue construido en una semana
2.4. (= within) → dentro de
I'll see you in three weeks' time or in three weekste veré dentro de tres semanas
he'll be back in a moment/a monthvolverá dentro de un momento/un mes
3. (indicating manner, medium) → en
in a loud/soft voiceen voz alta/baja
in Spanish/Englishen español/inglés
to pay in dollarspagar en dólares
it was underlined in redestaba subrayado en rojo
a magnificent sculpture in marble and copperuna magnífica escultura de or en mármol y cobre
4. (= clothed in) she opened the door in her dressing gownabrió la puerta en bata
they were all in shortstodos iban en or llevaban pantalón corto
he went out in his new raincoatsalió con el impermeable nuevo
you look nice in that dressese vestido te sienta bien
When phrases like in the blue dress, in the glasses are used to identify a particular person, de is the usual translation:
the man in the hatel hombre del sombrero
the boy in the checked trousersel chico de los pantalones de cuadros
BUT the girl in green → la chica vestida de verde
see also dressed
5. (giving ratio, number) one person in tenuna persona de cada diez
one in five pupilsuno de cada cinco alumnos
he had only a one in fifty chance of survivalsólo tenía una posibilidad entre cincuenta de sobrevivir
what happened was a chance in a millionhabía una posibilidad entre un millón de que pasara lo que pasó
20 pence in the poundveinte peniques por (cada) libra
once in a hundred yearsuna vez cada cien años
in twosde dos en dos
these jugs are produced in their millionsestas jarras se fabrican por millones, se fabrican millones de estas jarras
people came in their hundredsacudieron cientos de personas, la gente acudió a centenares
6. (= among) → entre
this is common in children/catses cosa común entre los niños/los gatos
you find this instinct in animalseste instinto se encuentra en or entre los animales, los animales poseen este instinto
in (the works of) Shakespeareen las obras de Shakespeare
7. (talking about people) she has it in her to succeedtiene la capacidad de triunfar
it's not in him to do thatno es capaz de hacer eso
I couldn't find it in me to forgive himno salía de mí perdonarle
they have a good leader in himél es buen líder para ellos, en él tienen un buen líder
a condition rare in a child of that ageuna dolencia extraña en or para un niño de esa edad
it's something I admire in heres algo que admiro de or en ella
he had all the qualities I was looking for in a partnertenía todas las cualidades que yo buscaba en un compañero
8. (in profession etc) to be in teachingdedicarse a la enseñanza
to be in publishingtrabajar el en mundo editorial
he's in the motor tradees vendedor de coches
he's in the tyre businessse dedica al comercio de neumáticos
see also army
9. (after superlative) → de
the biggest/smallest in Europeel más grande/pequeño de Europa
10. (with verb) in saying thisal decir esto
in making a fortune he lost his wifemientras hacía fortuna, perdió su mujer
11. (in set expressions)
in allen total
in itselfde por sí
in that (= since) → puesto que, ya que
the new treatment is preferable in thates preferible el nuevo tratamiento puesto or ya que ...
in that, he resembles his fatheren eso se parece a su padre
what's in it for me I want to know what's in it for mequiero saber qué gano yo con eso
see also far A1
to be in (= be at home) → estar (en casa); (= be at work) → estar; (= be gathered in) [crops, harvest] → estar recogido; (= be at destination) [train, ship, plane] → haber llegado; (= be alight) → estar encendido, arder (Sport) [ball, shuttlecock] → entrar
he wasn't inno estaba (en casa)
there's nobody inno hay nadie
is Mr Eccles in?¿está el Sr. Eccles?
the boss isn't in yetel jefe no ha llegado aún
he's in for tests (in hospital) → está ingresado para unas pruebas
he's in for larceny (in prison) → está encerrado por ladrón
he's in for 5 yearscumple una condena de 5 años
what's he in for?¿de qué delito se le acusa?
when the Tories were in (in power) → cuando los conservadores estaban en el poder
the screw was not in properlyel tornillo no estaba bien metido
the essays have to be in by Fridayhay que entregar los trabajos para el viernes
strawberries are ines la temporada de las fresas, las fresas están en sazón
the fire is still inel fuego sigue encendido or aún arde
my luck is inestoy de suerte
see also C1
to be in and out to be in and out of workno tener trabajo fijo
don't worry, you'll be in and out in no timeno te preocupes, saldrás enseguida
to be in for sth he's in for a surprisele espera una sorpresa
we're in for a hard timevamos a pasar un mal rato
we may be in for some snowpuede que nieve
you don't know what you're in for!¡no sabes lo que te espera!
he's in for itlo va a pagar
to be in for a competition (= be entered) → haberse inscrito en un concurso
to be in for an exampresentarse a un examen
to be in on sth (= be aware, involved)
to be in on the plan/secretestar al tanto del plan/del secreto
are you in on it?¿estás tú metido en ello?
to be well in with sb (= be friendly) to be well in with sbllevarse muy bien con algn
2. (with other verbs) she opened the door and they all rushed inabrió la puerta y todos entraron or se metieron corriendo
she opened her bag and put the ticket inabrió el bolso y metió el billete
3. (with time words)
day in, day outdía tras día
week in, week outsemana tras semana
4. (Sport) in!¡entró!
1. (= fashionable) → de moda
to be inestar de moda, llevarse
short skirts were inla falda corta estaba de moda, se llevaban las faldas cortas
it's the in thinges lo que se lleva
it's the in place to eates el restaurante que está de moda
she wore a very in dressllevaba un vestido muy a la moda or de lo más moderno
2. (= exclusive) it's an in jokees un chiste privado, es un chiste que tienen entre ellos/tenemos entre nosotros
if you're not in with the in crowdsi no estás entre los elegidos ...
1. the ins and outs of: the ins and outs of the problemlos pormenores del problema
the ins and outs of high financelos entresijos de las altas finanzas
dietary experts can advise on the ins and outs of dietinglos expertos en alimentación pueden dar información pormenorizada sobre las dietas
2. (US) (Pol) the insel partido del gobierno
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(indicating place, position)dans
in my bag → dans mon sac
in the house → dans la maison
in the fridge → dans le frigo
in the garden → dans le jardin, au jardin
in town → en ville
in the country → à la campagne
in school → à l'école
in hospital → à l'hôpital
in prison → en prison
in here → ici
It's hot in here → Il fait chaud ici.
in there →
(with name of village, town, city)à
in London → à Londres
(with country whose name is feminine in French, and country whose name is masculine and starts with a vowel)en
in England → en Angleterre
in France → en France
in Portugal → au Portugal
in Japan → au Japon
in the United States → aux États-Unis
(= during) (with dates, times of day) in May → en mai
in 2004 → en 2004
in nineteen ninety six → en dix-neuf cent quatre-vingt seize
in the sixties → dans les années soixante
in spring → au printemps
in summer → en été
in the afternoon → l'après-midi, dans l'après-midi
at 4 o'clock in the afternoon → à 4 heures de l'après-midi
at 6 in the morning → à six heures du matin
(= in the space of) → en
I did it in 3 hours → Je l'ai fait en trois heures.
I did it in 3 days → Je l'ai fait en 3 jours.
(= after) → dans
I'll see you in three weeks → Je te verrai dans trois semaines.
I'll see you in 2 weeks' time → Je te verrai dans 2 semaines.
(= in every) once in a hundred years → une fois tous les cent ans
one person in ten → une personne sur dix
1 in 10 households → 1 ménage sur 10
20 pence in the pound → 20 pence par livre sterling
(indicating manner)à
in a loud voice → à voix haute
in a soft voice → à voix basse
in pencil → au crayon
It was written in pencil → C'était écrit au crayon.
in writing → par écrit
in French → en français
to pay in dollars → payer en dollars
the boy in the blue shirt → le garçon à la chemise bleue, le garçon avec la chemise bleue
you look good in that dress → tu es jolie avec cette robe
they lined up in twos → ils se mirent en rangs (deux) par deux
in hundreds → par centaines
in time → à temps
We arrived in time for dinner → Nous sommes arrivés à temps pour le dîner.
(indicating mood, state) in despair → au désespoir
In despair, they decided to → Désespérés, ils décidèrent de ...
(referring to people, works)chez
The disease is common in children → C'est une maladie courante chez les enfants.
in the works of Dickens → chez Dickens, dans l'œuvre de Dickens, dans Dickens
(indicating profession)dans
to be in teaching → être dans l'enseignement
(after superlative)de
the best team in the world → la meilleure équipe du monde
the tallest person in the family → le plus grand de la famille
(with present participle) in saying this → en disant ceci
to be in [person] (= at home, work) → être là
He wasn't in → Il n'était pas là.; [train, ship, plane] → être arrivé(e); [style, fashion] → être à la mode
to rush in → entrer précipitamment
to be in for sth (= about to have)
He is in for a shock → Il va avoir un choc.
to be in on sth → être au courant de qch
to be in with sb (= on good terms with) → être en bons termes avec qn
to get in with sb (= ingratiate o.s. with) → se mettre bien avec qn
the ins and outs of sth [+ proposal, situation] → les tenants et aboutissants de qch
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When in is the second element of a phrasal verb, eg ask in, fill in, hand in, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, eg in danger, in the end, weak in, wrapped in, look up the other word.

position → in (+dat); (with motion) → in (+acc); it was in the lorry/bag/cares war auf dem Lastwagen/in der Tasche/im Auto; he put it in the lorry/car/bager legte es auf den Lastwagen/ins Auto/steckte es in die Tasche; in here/therehierin/darin, hier/da drin (inf); (with motion) → hier/da hinein or rein (inf); go in that directiongehen Sie in diese or dieser Richtung; in the streetauf der/die Straße; in Thompson Streetin der Thompsonstraße; he lives in a little villageer wohnt auf or in einem kleinen Dorf; sitting in the windowam Fenster sitzend; a flag hung in the windoweine Flagge hing im Fenster; in (the) churchin der Kirche; to stay in the houseim Haus or (at home) → zu Hause or zuhause (Aus, Sw) → bleiben; in bed/prisonim Bett/Gefängnis; in Germany/Switzerland/the United Statesin Deutschland/der Schweiz/den Vereinigten Staaten
after the superlative, in is sometimes untranslated and the genitive case used instead.

the highest mountain in Scotlandder höchste Berg Schottlands or in Schottland; the best in the classder Beste der Klasse, der Klassenbeste
people → bei; you can find examples of this in Dickensman findet Beispiele dafür bei Dickens or in DickensWerken; rare in a child of that ageselten bei einem Kind in diesem Alter; you have a great leader in himin ihm habt ihr einen großen Führer; he hasn’t got it in himer hat nicht das Zeug dazu; he doesn’t have it in him to …er bringt es nicht fertig, … zu …
dates, seasons, time of day → in (+dat); in 1999(im Jahre) 1999; in May 1999im Mai 1999; in the sixtiesin den sechziger Jahren or Sechzigerjahren; in Juneim Juni; in (the) springim Frühling; in the morning(s)morgens, am Morgen, am Vormittag; in the afternoonnachmittags, am Nachmittag; in the daytimetagsüber, während des Tages; in the eveningabends, am Abend; three o’clock in the afternoondrei Uhr nachmittags; in those daysdamals, zu jener Zeit
time of life → in (+dat); she is in her thirtiessie ist in den Dreißigern; in middle ageim mittleren Alter; in old ageim Alter; in childhoodin der Kindheit, im Kindesalter; in my childhoodin meiner Kindheit
interval of time → in (+dat); she did it in three hourssie machte es in drei Stunden or innerhalb von drei Stunden; in a short timein kurzer Zeit; in a week(’s time)in einer Woche; I haven’t seen him in yearsich habe ihn jahrelang or seit Jahren nicht mehr gesehen; in a moment or minutesofort, gleich
numbers, quantities → zu; packed in hundredszu Hunderten abgepackt; to walk in twoszu zweit gehen; to count in fivesin Fünfern zählen; to die in hundredszu hunderten or Hunderten sterben; in large/small quantitiesin großen/kleinen Mengen; in some measurein gewisser Weise, zu einem gewissen Grad; in partteilweise, zum Teil
ratios he has a one in 500 chance of winninger hat eine Gewinnchance von eins zu 500; one (man) in teneiner von zehn, jeder Zehnte; one book/child in tenjedes zehnte Buch/Kind, ein Buch/Kind von zehn; one in five childrenein Kind von fünf; a tax of twenty pence in the poundein Steuersatz von zwanzig Prozent; there are 12 inches in a footein Fuß hat 12 Zoll
manner, state, condition to speak in a loud/soft voicemit lauter/leiser Stimme sprechen, laut/leise sprechen; to speak in a whisperflüstern, flüsternd sprechen; to speak in GermanDeutsch reden; the background is painted in redder Hintergrund ist rot (gemalt) or in Rot gehalten; to pay in dollarsmit or in Dollar bezahlen; to stand in a row/in groupsin einer Reihe/in Gruppen stehen; in this wayso, auf diese Weise; she squealed in delightsie quietschte vor Vergnügen; in angerim Zorn; in surpriseüberrascht; to be in a ragewütend or zornig sein; in good conditionin gutem Zustand; to live in luxury/povertyim Luxus/in Armut leben
clothes → in (+dat); in one’s best clothesin Sonntagskleidung; in his shirtim Hemd; in his shirt sleevesin Hemdsärmeln, hemdsärmelig; in his slippersin Hausschuhen; dressed in whiteweiß gekleidet; she was dressed in silksie war in Seide gekleidet; the lady in greendie Dame in Grün
substance, material upholstered in silkmit Seide bezogen; to paint in oilsin Öl malen; to write in ink/pencilmit Tinte/Bleistift schreiben; in marblein Marmor, marmorn; a sculptor who works in marbleein Bildhauer, der mit Marmor arbeitet
in respect of blind in the left eyeauf dem linken Auge blind, links blind; a rise in pricesein Preisanstieg m, → ein Anstieg mder Preise; ten feet in height by thirty in lengthzehn Fuß hoch auf dreißig Fuß lang; the trousers are too long in the legdie (Hosen)beine sind zu lang; five in numberfünf an der Zahl; the latest thing in hatsder letzte Schrei bei Hüten
occupation, activity he is in the armyer ist beim Militär; he is in banking/the motor businesser ist im Bankwesen/in der Autobranche (tätig)
set structures
? in + -ing in saying this, I …wenn ich das sage, … ich; in trying to escapebeim Versuch zu fliehen, beim Fluchtversuch; in trying to save him she fell into the water herselfbeim Versuch or als sie versuchte, ihn zu retten, fiel sie selbst ins Wasser; but in saying thisaber indem ich dies sage; he made a mistake in saying thates war ein Fehler von ihm, das zu sagen
? in that (= seeing that)insofern als; the plan was unrealistic in that it didn’t take account of the fact that …der Plan war unrealistisch, da or weil er nicht berücksichtigte, dass …
When in is the second element in a phrasal verb, eg come in, live in, sleep in, look up the verb.

da; (at home also) → zu Hause, zuhause (Aus, Sw); there is nobody ines ist niemand da/zu Hause
to be in may require a more specific translation.

the train is inder Zug ist da or angekommen; the harvest is indie Ernte ist eingebracht; the tide is ines ist Flut; our team is in (Cricket) → unsere Mannschaft ist am Schlag; the Socialists are in (= in power)die Sozialisten sind an der Regierung; our candidate is inunser Kandidat wurde gewählt or ist reingekommen (inf); my luck is inich habe einen Glückstag
? to be in for sth he’s in for a surprise/disappointmentihm steht eine Überraschung/Enttäuschung bevor, er kann sich auf eine Überraschung/Enttäuschung gefasst machen; we are in for rain/a cold spelluns (dat)steht Regen/eine Kältewelle bevor; he is in for the job of manager (= applying for)er hat sich um die Stelle des Managers beworben; he’s in for it!der kann sich auf was gefasst machen (inf), → der kann sich freuen (iro)
? to have it in for sb (inf)es auf jdn abgesehen haben (inf)
? to be in on sthan einer Sache beteiligt sein; on secret etcüber etw (acc)Bescheid wissen; he likes to be in on thingser mischt gern (überall) mit (inf)
? to be (well) in with sbsich gut mit jdm verstehen
(inf)in inv (inf); long skirts are inlange Röcke sind in (inf)or sind in Mode; the in thingdas, was zurzeit in ist (inf)or Mode ist; the in thing is to …es ist zurzeit in (inf)or Mode, zu …; it’s the in place to goda gehen jetzt alle hin; the in thing to dogroß in Mode
= details
? the ins and outsdie Einzelheiten pl; to know the ins and outs of somethingbei einer Sache genau Bescheid wissen; I don’t know the ins and outs of the situationüber die Einzelheiten der Sache weiß ich nicht Bescheid
Pol US the insdie Regierungspartei
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(in) preposition
1. describing the position of a thing etc which is surrounded by something else. My mother is in the house; in London; in bed.
2. showing the direction of movement. He put his hand in his pocket.
3. describing the time at, after or within which something happens. in the morning; I'll be back in a week.
4. indicating amount or relative number. They arrived in large numbers.
5. expressing circumstances, state, manner etc of an event, person etc. dressed in a brown coat; walking in the rain; in a hurry; written in English; He is in the army; books tied up in bundles; She is in her sixties.
adverb, adjective
1. expressing the position of a person etc, usually at or to a place where the person etc is expected to be, eg home, office, station. Is Mr Smith in?; Is the train in yet?; Is he coming in today?
2. describing something which is fashionable or popular. Short skirts are in at the moment.
3. (of the tide) with the water at, or moving to, its highest level. The tide is (coming) in.
describing an activity usually carried out by groups of people as a form of protest etc. a sit-in; a work-in.
inmostinnermostunder innerday etc in, day etc out
day etc after day etc without a break. I do the same boring job day in, day out; Last summer it rained week in, week out.
inasmuch as, in as much as
because; in consideration of the fact that. It would not be true to say he had retired from this firm, inasmuch as he still does a certain amount of work for us.
in for
likely to experience (especially something bad). We're in for some bad weather; You're in for it if you broke that window!
ins and outs
the complex details of a plan etc. He knows all the ins and outs of this scheme.
insofar as, in so far as
to the degree or extent that. I gave him the details insofar as I knew them.
in that
because; from the fact that. This is not a good plant for your garden in that its seeds are poisonous.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


في, فِي v i in μέσα, σε en -ssa dans, en u in ・・・に, ・・・の中に ...의 안에, ~에 in i w em в i ใน de, da, içinde bên trong, vào lúc , 在...里
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


prep. [inside of] dentro de; [in time] con; [in the night, day, etc.] durante, por; [in place] en;
adv. dentro; adentro;
___ the care ofal cuidado de;
___ the meantimemientras tanto.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009