

go away! be off!
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References in periodicals archive ?
Amon, Americans, alabaster, Arabs; bromides, buffaloes, beggars, Bronx; camels, crocodiles, colossi, Cook's; donkeys, dust, dahabeeahs, dragomen, dervishes, desert; Egyptians, Evian; fezzes, fellaheen, feluccas, flies, fleas; Germans, goats, granite; hotels, hieroglyphics, hoopoes, Horus, hawks; Isis, imshi, irrigation, ignorance; jibbahs; kites, Kinemas, Kodaks; lavatories, lotus, Levantines; mummies, mud, millionaires; Nubia, Nile; ophthalmia, Osiris, obsidian, obelisks; palms, pyramids, parakeets; quarries; Ramses, ruins; sunsets, sarcophagi, steamers, soux, sand, shadoofs, stinks, Sphinx; temples, tourists, trams, Tut-ankh-amen; Uganda; vultures, Virginia; water-bullocks, warts; Xerxes, Xenophon; yaout; zest, (my own.) (Sackville-West 93)
A frantic herd of villagers swarmed the convoy, hideously and endlessly bawling, "Imshi! Imshi!" which is Arabic for "go away."
FOR years Nicholls and his yacht Imshi had been regular features on the Rothesay waterfront scene.
The song, broadcast earlier this week on Israeli radio stations, included the line Imshi al Yehud ["Let's expel the Jews"] and suggested a triumphal return of Arab sovereignty to the Israeli cities of Jaffa, Acre, Ramle and Lod.
Suddenly you have acquired new uncles and caring relatives!" (Dee, imshi! Tul'olak e'mam wu-khwal!)
Bloated on palace grub, a sweating apoplectic, epileptic, benign-brain-tumoured Morsi yelled at him: Yalla imshi -- vamoose.