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Related to Imputability: imperturbability


n.1.The quality of being imputable; imputableness.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Billuart recognized that the third of the imputability conditions required clarification, and his efforts anticipate Gury's second principle in many respects (e.g., an emphasis on the comparative weight of the two effects, and on the distinction between good or indifferent and intrinsically evil acts).
Boyle, General Agent for the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina before the International Court of Justice on Imputability to the Judges of the International Court of Justice (Aug.
Following an appeal by the French authorities, a judgement in the EU Court of Justice acknowledged the incorrect interpretation of the term imputability to the state' and that the financial aid granted to Stardust was "not imputable to the state" and therefore cancelled the Commission's decision (C-482/99).
The fact that everyone must act always according to his conscience, and that the only criterion of imputability is the conscience, does not lead to moral relativism.
"Most of the cases were not canonically prosecutable," he said, "either because the canonical five-year statute Of limitations had passed or because of lack of imputability due to mental illness." (That means the defendant lacked competence to stand trial.)
(43) Double-effect reasoning appears later in the tradition in discussions of voluntariness and imputability of effects to agents.
"If you had a person in a position of honor and trust, it would increase imputability. A disorder like manic-depression would lessen imputability.
In Agamben's analysis, subjectivity--to grief, guilt, law, and death--in the West is not an original metaphysical concept but the effect of a politico-juridical apparatus that keeps putting human life in an irreducible proximity to legal imputability. The urgency of Agamben's project throws an entirely different light on Robert Frosts messianic indecision.
Yet they faced a regime fond of such binaries: the law differentiated between imputability and nonimputability, the psychiatrist between simulation and dissimulation, and ultimately, the state claimed the right to decide what was art and what was not.
The catechism clearly teaches that Catholic position: "Imputability and responsibility for an action [behavior] can be diminished and even nullified by ignorance, inadvertence, duress, fear, habit, inordinate attachments, and other psychological or social factors" (1735).
So, the severity of most of these reactions and the imputability on the transfused blood products could not be assessed.