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 (ĭn-sīd′, ĭn′sīd′)
a. An inner or interior part.
b. Inward character, perceptions, or feelings: felt good on the inside about volunteering to help.
2. An inner side or surface.
3. The part away from the edge; the middle part.
4. insides Informal
a. The inner organs; entrails.
b. The inner parts or workings: the insides of a TV set.
5. Slang Confidential or secret information.
1. Inner; interior.
2. Relating to, known to, or coming from an exclusive group: inside information; an inside joke.
3. Baseball Passing on the side of home plate nearer the batter. Used of a pitch.
1. Into or in the interior; within.
2. On the inner side.
3. Slang In prison.
1. Within: We'll be there inside an hour.
a. On the inner side or part of: inside the package.
b. Into the interior of: going inside the house.
inside out
1. With the inner surface turned out; reversed: wore the sweatshirt inside out.
2. Informal As completely as possible; thoroughly: knew the city inside out.
on the inside
In a position of confidence or influence.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. the interior; inner or enclosed part or surface
2. the side of a path away from the road or adjacent to a wall
3. (also plural) informal the internal organs of the body, esp the stomach and bowels
4. inside of in a period of time less than; within
5. inside out with the inside facing outwards
6. know something inside out to know something thoroughly or perfectly
in or to the interior of; within or to within; on the inside of
7. on or of an interior; on the inside: an inside door.
8. (prenominal) arranged or provided by someone within an organization or building, esp illicitly: the raid was an inside job; inside information.
9. within or to within a thing or place; indoors
10. by nature; fundamentally: inside, he's a good chap.
11. slang in or into prison
Usage: See at outside
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌɪnˈsaɪd, ˈɪnˌsaɪd)

1. on the inner side or part of; within: inside the circle.
2. prior to; within: to arrive inside an hour.
3. in or into the inner part: Look inside.
4. indoors: to play inside on rainy days.
5. by true nature; basically: Inside, she's really very shy.
6. Slang. in prison.
7. the inner part; interior: the inside of the house.
8. the inner side or surface: the inside of the hand.
9. insides, Informal. the inner parts of the body, esp. the stomach and intestines.
10. a position within a select circle of power, prestige, etc.: to be on the inside in the administration.
11. the part closest to a specified point, as the part of an oval track closest to the inner rail.
12. inward nature, thoughts, feelings, etc.
13. confidential or private information: to have an inside on the new plans.
14. situated or being on or in the inside; interior; internal: an inside seat.
15. private; confidential; restricted: inside information.
16. Baseball. (of a pitched ball) passing between home plate and the batter.
1. inside of, within the space or period of.
2. inside out,
a. with the inner side reversed to face the outside.
b. thoroughly; completely.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. used as a preposition

When someone or something is in a building, vehicle, or container, you can say that they are inside it.

They heard loud music coming from inside the building.
Jaya wondered what was inside the box.

Be Careful!
Don't say that someone or something is 'inside of' something.

2. used as an adverb

Inside can also be an adverb.

Marta opened the door and invited him inside.
He gave me a package with something soft inside.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.inside - the region that is inside of somethinginside - the region that is inside of something
midland - the interior part of a country
midst, thick - the location of something surrounded by other things; "in the midst of the crowd"
penetralia - the innermost parts
region, part - the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space"
exterior, outside - the region that is outside of something
2.inside - the inner or enclosed surface of something
belly - the hollow inside of something; "in the belly of the ship"
surface - the extended two-dimensional outer boundary of a three-dimensional object; "they skimmed over the surface of the water"; "a brush small enough to clean every dental surface"; "the sun has no distinct surface"
exterior, outside - the outer side or surface of something
Adj.1.inside - relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space; "he reached into his inside jacket pocket"; "inside out"; "an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter"
internal - happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface; "internal organs"; "internal mechanism of a toy"; "internal party maneuvering"
outside - relating to or being on or near the outer side or limit; "an outside margin"
2.inside - being or applying to the inside of a building; "an inside wall"
interior - situated within or suitable for inside a building; "an interior scene"; "interior decoration"; "an interior bathroom without windows"
3.inside - confined to an exclusive group; "privy to inner knowledge"; "inside information"; "privileged information"
exclusive - excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority; "exclusive clubs"; "an exclusive restaurants and shops"
4.inside - away from the outer edge; "an inner lahne"; "the inside lane"
inner - located or occurring within or closer to a center; "an inner room"
Adv.1.inside - within a building; "in winter we play inside"
alfresco, out of doors, outdoors, outside - outside a building; "in summer we play outside"
2.inside - on the inside; "inside, the car is a mess"
outside - on the outside; "outside, the box is black"
3.inside - with respect to private feelings; "inwardly, she was raging"
4.inside - in reality; "she is very kind at heart"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. interior, contents, core, nucleus, inner part, inner side Cut off the top and scoop out the inside with a teaspoon.
plural noun
1. (Informal) stomach, gut, guts, belly, bowels, internal organs, innards (informal), entrails, viscera, vitals My insides ached from eating too much.
1. inner, internal, interior, inward, innermost four-berth inside cabins with en suite bathrooms
inner outside, external, outer, outward, exterior, outermost
2. confidential, private, secret, internal, exclusive, restricted, privileged, classified The editor denies he had any inside knowledge.
1. indoors, in, within, under cover They chatted briefly on the doorstep before going inside.
2. within, privately, deep down, secretly, at heart, to yourself, inwardly, in your inmost heart Do you get a feeling inside when you write something you like?
3. in prison, in jail, imprisoned, behind bars (informal), incarcerated, banged up (Brit. informal) He's been inside three times now.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Located inside or farther in:
2. Known about by very few:
Informal: hush-hush.
3. Being closer to a center of power and influence:
4. Characterized by a close and thorough acquaintance:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
أحْشاءإلى أو في أو نحْو الداخِلدَاخِلٌداخِلداخِلْ
aî innaninnaninnanverîur, innriinniinni í, í
...의 안쪽에실내로안쪽
įišvirkščiaskaip savo penkis pirštusvidus
divu dienu laikāiekšāiekšasiekšējsiekšpus
bên trongmặt trongở trong


A. N
1. (= inner part) → interior m, parte f de dentro
he wiped the inside of the glasslimpió el interior or la parte de dentro del vaso
the inside of the footla parte de dentro del pie
I have a pain in my insideme duele el estómago
from the inside the doors were locked from the insidelas puertas estaban cerradas (con llave) por dentro
to know sth from the insidesaber algo por experiencia propia
crisp on the outside and soft on the insidecrujiente por fuera y tierno por dentro
inside out your jumper's inside outllevas el jersey al or del revés
she turned the sock inside outle dio la vuelta al calcetín, volvió el calcetín del revés
they turned the whole place inside outlo revolvieron todo, lo registraron todo de arriba abajo
to know a subject inside outconocer un tema de cabo a rabo
he knows the district inside outse conoce el distrito como la palma de la mano
2. (= lining) → parte f de dentro
the inside of the jacket is sheepskinla parte de dentro de la chaqueta es de piel de borrego
3. [of road] (Brit) → lado m izquierdo; (other countries) → lado m derecho
to overtake or pass (sb) on the inside (Brit) → adelantar (a algn) por la izquierda; (other countries) → adelantar (a algn) por la derecha
walk on the inside of the pavementcamina por la parte de dentro de la acera
4. insides [of person, animal, fruit] → tripas fpl
1. (= in) → dentro, adentro (LAm)
once inside, he was trappeduna vez dentro estaba atrapado
it gives me a lovely warm feeling insideme produce una sensación muy agradable por dentro
deep inside he is worrieden el fondo está preocupado
2. (= towards the inside) → adentro, dentro
he opened the car door and shoved her insideabrió la puerta del coche y la empujó adentro or dentro
3. (= indoors) → dentro, adentro (LAm)
wait for me insideespérame dentro or (LAm) adentro
please step insidepase (usted)
to come/go insideentrar
4. (= in prison) to be insideestar en chirona, estar a la sombra
C. PREP (also inside of) (esp US)
1. (of place) → dentro de, en el interior de (frm)
inside the envelopedentro del sobre, en el interior del sobre (frm)
he went inside the houseentró en la casa
75% of chief executives come from inside the companyun 75% de los altos cargos directivos proceden de la propia empresa
2. (of time) → en menos de
inside four hoursen menos de cuatro horas
her time was five seconds inside the recordsuperó el récord por cinco segundos
1. (= internal) → interior
the inside pages of a newspaperlas páginas interiores de un periódico
2. (= confidential, from inside)
an inside job un crimen cometido en una empresa, organización, etc por alguien que pertenece a la misma
it must be an inside jobtiene que haber sido alguien de dentro
the inside storyla historia (hasta ahora) secreta
the KGB: the inside storyla KGB: la historia secreta
E. CPD inside forward Ndelantero/a m/f interior, interior mf
inside information Ninformación f confidencial
the inside lane N (Aut) (Brit) → el carril de la izquierda; (most countries) → el carril de la derecha (Athletics) → la calle interior
inside left Ninterior mf izquierdo/a
inside leg (measurement) Nmedida f de la entrepierna
inside pocket Nbolsillo m interior
inside right N (Sport) → interior mf derecho/a
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= interior) [wall] → intérieur(e); [toilet] → intérieur(e); [pocket] → intérieure
the inside pages [newspaper] → les pages intérieures
The story didn't even make it to the inside pages → L'article n'a même pas fait les pages intérieures.
(from an insider) inside information → informations fpl internes
to have inside information about sb/sth → avoir accès à des informations internes sur qn/qch
inside story → histoire racontée par un témoin
(= indoors) → à l'intérieur
They're inside → Ils sont à l'intérieur.
to go inside → entrer
Come inside! → Entrez!
to invite sb inside → inviter qn à entrer
"I expected you," she said, inviting him inside → "Je vous attendais," dit-elle, l'invitant à entrer.
(in a container etc)à l'intérieur
a fruit with a seed inside → un fruit avec une graine à l'intérieur
inside out advà l'envers
to turn sth inside out → retourner qch
to know sth inside out [+ place] → connaître qch comme sa poche; [+ subject] → connaître qch à fond
[+ building] → à l'intérieur de
inside the house → à l'intérieur de la maison
[+ container, box, envelope] → à l'intérieur de
[+ company, organization] → à l'intérieur de
He hasn't looked very carefully into what is happening inside his party → Il ne s'est pas intéressé de très près à ce qui se passe à l'intérieur de son parti.
(of time) (= in less than) inside 10 minutes → en moins de 10 minutes
[building] → intérieur m
the inside of the church → l'intérieur de l'église
[box, container] → intérieur m
The inside of the box is yellow → L'intérieur de la boîte est jaune.
[sports track] → corde f, intérieur m; [road] → voie f intérieure
insides npl (= intestines) [person] → boyaux mpl; [animal] → entrailles fpl
He felt his insides clutch with fear → Il sentit la peur lui tordre les boyaux.inside forward n (SPORT)intérieur minside lane n [sports track] → corde f; [road] → voie f intérieureinside leg nentrejambe minside leg measurement n (British)hauteur f d'entre-jambe
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Innere(s) nt; (of pavement)Innenseite f; the car overtook on the insidedas Auto überholte innen; it’s painted on the insidees ist innen bemalt; you’ll have to ask someone on the insideSie müssen einen Insider or Eingeweihten fragen; to know a company from the insideinterne Kenntnisse über eine Firma haben; he’s seen politics from the insideer kennt die Politik von innen; locked from or on the insidevon innen verschlossen
the wind blew the umbrella inside outder Wind hat den Schirm umgestülpt; her umbrella blew inside outihr Schirm hat sich umgestülpt; your sweater’s inside outdu hast deinen Pullover links or verkehrt herum an; to turn something inside outetw umdrehen; (fig) flat etcetw auf den Kopf stellen; war turns morality inside outim Krieg wird die Moral auf den Kopf gestellt; to know something inside outetw in- und auswendig kennen; we know each other inside outwir kennen einander in- und auswendig
(inf: = stomach: also insides) → Eingeweide nt, → Innere(s) nt; he felt the excitement grip his insideser spürte, wie die Aufregung ihn im Innersten packte
adjInnen-, innere(r, s); it looks like an inside job (crime) → es sieht nach dem Werk von Insidern aus (inf); inside leg measurementinnere Beinlänge; inside pocketInnentasche f; inside seatPlatz man der Wand/am Fenster, Fensterplatz m; inside story (Press) → Insidestory f; inside leftHalblinke(r) mf; inside rightHalbrechte(r) mf
advinnen; (= indoors)drin(nen); (direction) → nach innen, herein; look insidesehen Sie hinein; (= search)sehen Sie innen nach; come inside!kommen Sie herein!; let’s go insidegehen wir hinein; he played the ball insideer spielte nach innen ab; I heard music coming from insideich hörte von innen Musik; there is something/nothing insidees ist etwas/nichts (innen) drin; to be inside (inf: = in prison) → sitzen (inf)
prep (esp US: also inside of)
(place) → innen in (+dat); (direction) → in (+acc)… (hinein); don’t let him come inside the houselassen Sie ihn nicht ins Haus (herein); he was waiting inside the houseer wartete im Haus; something inside me snappedbei mir hakte etwas aus (inf)
(time) → innerhalb; he’s well inside the record timeer liegt noch gut unter der Rekordzeit; he was 5 seconds inside the recorder ist 5 Sekunden unter dem Rekord geblieben


inside forward
nHalbstürmer(in) m(f)
inside information
nInsiderinformationen pl, → interne Informationen pl
inside knowledge
nInsiderwissen nt
inside lane
n (Sport) → Innenbahn f; (Aut) → Innenspur f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a.interno, parte f interiore; (of road) (Brit) → sinistra (Am) (in Europe) → destra
to overtake on the inside (Brit) → sorpassare a sinistra (Am) (Europe) → sorpassare a destra
to know sth from the inside → conoscere qc per esperienza diretta
b. to be inside outessere alla rovescia
to turn sth inside out → rivoltare qc
to know sth inside out → conoscere qc a fondo (place) → conoscere qc come le proprie tasche
c. (fam) (stomach) insides nplbudella fpl, pancia
2. advdentro, all'interno
to be inside (fam) (in prison) → essere dentro or al fresco
3. prep
a. (of place) → dentro, all'interno di
come inside the house → vieni dentro (casa)
b. (of time) → nel giro di
inside 10 minutes → nel giro di 10 minuti
he is inside the record → sta battendo il record
just inside the speed limit → sotto il limite di velocità
4. adjinterno/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(inˈsaid) noun
1. the inner side, or the part or space within. The inside of this apple is quite rotten.
2. the stomach and bowels. He ate too much and got a pain in his inside(s).
(ˈinsaid) adjective
being on or in the inside. the inside pages of the newspaper; The inside traffic lane is the one nearest to the kerb.
(inˈsaid) adverb
1. to, in, or on, the inside. The door was open and he went inside; She shut the door but left her key inside by mistake.
2. in a house or building. You should stay inside in such bad weather.
(ˈinˈsaid) preposition
1. (sometimes (especially American) with of) within; to or on the inside of. She is inside the house; He went inside the shop.
2. (sometimes with of) in less than, or within, a certain time. He finished the work inside (of) two days.
inside out
1. with the inner side out. Haven't you got your shirt on inside out?
2. very thoroughly. He knows the plays of Shakespeare inside out.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


دَاخِلٌ, داخِلْ, دَاخِلاً v, vevnitř, vnitřek inden i, indenfor, inderside drinnen, Innere, innerhalb εντός, εσωτερικό, μέσα dentro, dentro de, interior sisällä, sisäpuolella, sisäpuoli à l’intérieur, dans, intérieur u, unutra, unutrašnjost all’interno, dentro, interno ・・・の内側に, 内側, 内側に ...의 안쪽에, 실내로, 안쪽 binnen, binnenkant, in innen, inni, innside wewnątrz, wnętrze dentro, interior внутренняя часть, внутри, внутрь inne, insida, inuti ข้างใน, ด้านใน, ภายใน içeride, içerisi bên trong, mặt trong, ở trong 内部, 在...内部, 在内部
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


prep. por dentro, hacia adentro; adentro.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj interior, interno; adv dentro, adentro; n interior m, parte f de adentro; prep dentro de; inside your body.. dentro de su cuerpo
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
What happened inside there was no way of telling, but it is fair to conclude that the two Folk slipped through the connecting crevice into the other cave.
Upon my word were I at Mackinaw, I should take this to be the inside of an Indian wigwam.
But now the sounds inside had ceased, and a thin circle of bright metal showed between the top and the body of the cylinder.
When he reached home he stood his spear against a bearing-post of the cloister, crossed the stone floor of the cloister itself, and went inside.
I throw my coat on the box, and hoist my wife and her maid into the inside. It has only one step, and that being about a yard from the ground, is usually approached by a chair: when there is no chair, ladies trust in Providence.
Now she was on the other side of the orchard and standing in the path outside a wall--much lower down--and there was the same tree inside.
Some of the walls were four feet thick, and there used to be queer noises inside them, as if there might be a little secret staircase.
Don't tell her where I be!' And with that he scrambled into the churn through the trap-door, and shut himself inside, just as the young woman's mother busted into the milk-house.
So the procession moved through the streets, the bearers of the Sorcerer first, the Prince next, then Jim drawing the buggy with the strangers inside of it, and last the crowd of vegetable people who had no hearts and could neither smile nor frown.
And when she had put it into the hole of the rock, and turned it, a sudden sharp snap was heard; then, with a solemn creak that made the shivers run down the child's back, the face of the rock fell outward, like a door on hinges, and revealed a small dark chamber just inside.
We soon discovered that we had really been the victims of an illusion, whereupon, without further delay and laughing like madmen, we ran to Box Five on the grand tier, went inside and found no shape of any kind."
These scuttles then were protected against the shock of departure by plates let into solid grooves, which could easily be opened outward by unscrewing them from the inside. Reservoirs firmly fixed contained water and the necessary provisions; and fire and light were procurable by means of gas, contained in a special reservoir under a pressure of several atmospheres.