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(Placename) the Turkish name for Imbros
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Human rights activist, Pervez Imroz, who has been pursuing cases of illegal detentions and torture by the Indian forces, said, there was no way to know how many people are in custody because of the communications blackout.
Amrita shall always remain the rebellious, cigarette smoking, bob haired divorcee whose affair with Sahir Ludhianvi and companionship with Imroz will be remembered with much amusement and delight as her seven decades of poetry is.
Imroz said, "It is a great honor for me to join esteemed hospitality brand and highly appreciate the warm welcome."
Srinagar-based rights activists Parvez Imroz said what was happening in Kashmir amounted to political and economic repression.
After serving as a teacher at Muslim High School Multan, he got associated with Daily Imroz newspaper where he worked in different capacities including News Editor, columnist, and
The contests of shot put, long jump and high jump were won by Imroz, Ali Tahir and Bilal Tariq respectively.
The best principal actress award went to Afroza Imroz Tisha and Kushum Chowdhury jointly for their films 'Ostitto' and 'Shonkhochil' respectively.
In my opinion, Mian's greatest achievement was the launch of Pakistan Times, Imroz and Lail-o-Nahaar.
He wrote a regular column for Imroz and also contributed short stories to the Adab-i-Latif.
Carcass measurements and meat quality of Turkish Merino, Ramlic, Kivircik, Chios and Imroz lambs raised under an intensive production system.
Referring a recentsurvey report of Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) headed by the eminent human right lawyer Parvez Imroz on terrible situation in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK), Ali Raza Syed claimed, people of Jammu and Kashmir are living in an extreme fear and terror.
The delegation head later told this Correspondent over telephone from Geneva on Wednesday that the Kashmiri delegation also brought the attention of special rapporteur towards the fake encounter by the Indian occupational forces in Shopian where six innocent Kashmiris lost their lives, arrest of noted human rights defender Parvez Imroz who was arrested by the occupational forces for promoting the systematic human rights violation.