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one’s own house or residence; abode, dwelling, habitation; domicile; asylum: Home is where the heart is.
Not to be confused with:
hone – a whetstone for sharpening cutting tools; to make more acute or effective; perfect: He honed his skills at his father’s side.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


1. A place where one lives; a residence.
2. The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or apartment.
3. A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.
a. An environment offering security and happiness.
b. A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin.
5. The place, such as a country or town, where one was born or has lived for a long period.
6. The native habitat, as of a plant or animal.
7. The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source.
8. A headquarters; a home base.
a. Baseball Home plate.
b. Games Home base.
10. An institution where people are cared for: a home for the elderly.
11. Computers
a. The starting position of the cursor on a text-based computer display, usually in the upper left corner of the screen.
b. A starting position within a computer application, such as the beginning of a line, file, or screen or the top of a chart or list.
a. Of or relating to a home, especially to one's household or house: home cooking; home furnishings.
b. Taking place in the home: home care for the elderly.
2. Of, relating to, or being a place of origin or headquarters: the home office.
3. Sports Relating to a team's sponsoring institution or to the place where it is franchised: a home game; the home field advantage.
4. Of, relating to, or being the keys used as base positions for the fingers in touch-typing: The home row on a standard keyboard consists of the keys for A, S, D, F, J, K, L, ;, and '.
1. At, to, or toward the direction of home: going home for lunch.
2. On or into the point at which something is directed: The arrow struck home.
3. To the center or heart of something; deeply: Your comments really hit home.
v. homed, hom·ing, homes
To go or return to one's residence or base of operations.
1. To guide (a missile or aircraft) to a target.
2. Chiefly British
a. To arrange to have (an animal) placed in a home.
b. To take (an animal) into one's home.
Phrasal Verb:
home in
1. To move or advance toward a target or goal: The missile homed in on the target.
2. To focus the attention or make progress achieving an objective: The investigators were homing in on the truth.
at home
1. Available to receive visitors: at home on Thursdays.
2. Comfortable and relaxed; at ease: at home in diplomatic circles.
3. Feeling an easy competence and familiarity: at home in French.
home free
Out of jeopardy; assured of success: We had our hardest exams first and were home free after that.

[Middle English, from Old English hām; see tkei- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. the place or a place where one lives: have you no home to go to?.
2. a house or other dwelling
3. a family or other group living in a house or other place
4. a person's country, city, etc, esp viewed as a birthplace, a residence during one's early years, or a place dear to one
5. (Environmental Science) the environment or habitat of a person or animal
6. the place where something is invented, founded, or developed: the US is the home of baseball.
7. (Social Welfare)
a. a building or organization set up to care for orphans, the aged, etc
b. an informal name for a mental home
8. (Team Sports, other than specified) sport one's own ground: the match is at home.
9. (Team Sports, other than specified)
a. the objective towards which a player strives in certain sports
b. an area where a player is safe from attack
10. (Lacrosse) lacrosse
a. one of two positions of play nearest the opponents' goal
b. a player assigned to such a position: inside home.
11. (Baseball) baseball another name for home plate
12. informal obsolete NZ Britain, esp England
13. a home from home a place other than one's own home where one can be at ease
14. at home
a. in one's own home or country
b. at ease, as if at one's own home
c. giving an informal party at one's own home
d. Brit such a party
15. at home in at home on at home with familiar or conversant with
16. home and dry informal Brit definitely safe or successful: we will not be home and dry until the votes have been counted. Austral. and NZ equivalent: home and hosed
17. near home concerning one deeply
adj (usually prenominal)
18. of, relating to, or involving one's home, country, etc; domestic
19. (of an activity) done in one's house: home taping.
20. effective or deadly: a home thrust.
21. (Team Sports, other than specified) sport relating to one's own ground: a home game.
22. US central; principal: the company's home office.
23. to or at home: I'll be home tomorrow.
24. to or on the point
25. to the fullest extent: hammer the nail home.
26. (Nautical Terms) (of nautical gear) into or in the best or proper position: the boom is home.
27. bring home to
a. to make clear to
b. to place the blame on
28. (Nautical Terms) come home nautical (of an anchor) to fail to hold
29. come home to to become absolutely clear to
30. nothing to write home about informal to be of no particular interest: the film was nothing to write home about.
31. (Zoology) (intr) (of birds and other animals) to return home accurately from a distance
32. (Navigation) (often foll by: on or onto) to direct or be directed onto a point or target, esp by automatic navigational aids
33. to send or go home
34. to furnish with or have a home
35. (intr; often foll by in or in on) to be directed towards a goal, target, etc
[Old English hām; related to Old Norse heimr, Gothic haims, Old High German heim, Dutch heem, Greek kōmi village]
ˈhomeˌlike adj


(Biography) Baron See Home of the Hirsel
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



n., adj., adv., v. homed, hom•ing. n.
1. a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
2. the place in which one's domestic affections are centered.
3. an institution for people with special needs: a nursing home.
4. the dwelling place or retreat of an animal.
5. the place or region where something is native or most common.
6. any place of residence or refuge.
7. a person's own country.
8. headquarters: The company's home is in Detroit.
9. (in games) the destination or goal.
11. of or pertaining to one's home or country; domestic: home products.
12. principal: the corporation's home office.
13. reaching the mark aimed at: a home thrust.
14. played in a team's own area.
15. to, toward, or at home.
16. deep: The truth struck home.
17. to the point aimed at: He drove the nail home.
18. to go or return home.
19. to proceed toward a specified target (often fol. by in on): The missile homed in on the target.
20. to send to or provide with a home.
21. to direct, as toward an airport or target.
1. at home,
a. in one's own house or place of residence.
b. prepared to receive social visits.
c. comfortable; at ease: Make yourself at home.
d. proficient: a scholar at home in the classics.
2. bring home, to make clearly evident.
3. home free, in a position assured of success or out of jeopardy.
[before 900; Middle English hom, Old English hām (n. and adv.) village, house, c. Old Saxon hēm, Old High German heim, Old Norse heimr, Gothic haims]
syn: See house.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Your home is the place where you live and feel that you belong. Home is most commonly used to refer to a person's house, but it can also be used to refer to a town, a region, or a country.

His father often worked away from home.
Dublin will always be home to me.

Don't refer to a particular person's home as 'the home'. Say his home, her home, or just home.

Victoria is selling her home in Ireland.
Their children have left home.

Be Careful!
You never use 'to' immediately in front of home. Don't say, for example, 'We went to home'. Say 'We went home'.

Come home with me.
The police officer escorted her home.

If you remain in your house rather than going out somewhere, British speakers say that you stay at home. American speakers say that you stay home.

Oh, we'll just have to stay at home for the weekend.
What was Cindy supposed to do? Stay home all day and dust the house?
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: homed
Gerund: homing

I home
you home
he/she/it homes
we home
you home
they home
I homed
you homed
he/she/it homed
we homed
you homed
they homed
Present Continuous
I am homing
you are homing
he/she/it is homing
we are homing
you are homing
they are homing
Present Perfect
I have homed
you have homed
he/she/it has homed
we have homed
you have homed
they have homed
Past Continuous
I was homing
you were homing
he/she/it was homing
we were homing
you were homing
they were homing
Past Perfect
I had homed
you had homed
he/she/it had homed
we had homed
you had homed
they had homed
I will home
you will home
he/she/it will home
we will home
you will home
they will home
Future Perfect
I will have homed
you will have homed
he/she/it will have homed
we will have homed
you will have homed
they will have homed
Future Continuous
I will be homing
you will be homing
he/she/it will be homing
we will be homing
you will be homing
they will be homing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been homing
you have been homing
he/she/it has been homing
we have been homing
you have been homing
they have been homing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been homing
you will have been homing
he/she/it will have been homing
we will have been homing
you will have been homing
they will have been homing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been homing
you had been homing
he/she/it had been homing
we had been homing
you had been homing
they had been homing
I would home
you would home
he/she/it would home
we would home
you would home
they would home
Past Conditional
I would have homed
you would have homed
he/she/it would have homed
we would have homed
you would have homed
they would have homed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.home - where you live at a particular timehome - where you live at a particular time; "deliver the package to my home"; "he doesn't have a home to go to"; "your place or mine?"
abode, residence - any address at which you dwell more than temporarily; "a person can have several residences"
home away from home, home from home - a place where you are just as comfortable and content as if you were home
2.home - housing that someone is living inhome - housing that someone is living in; "he built a modest dwelling near the pond"; "they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"
bathroom, bath - a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet
bedchamber, bedroom, sleeping accommodation, sleeping room, chamber - a room used primarily for sleeping
cliff dwelling - a rock and adobe dwelling built on sheltered ledges in the sides of a cliff; "the Anasazi built cliff dwellings in the southwestern United States"
condo, condominium - one of the dwelling units in a condominium
den - a room that is comfortable and secluded
dinette - a small area off of a kitchen that is used for dining
dining room, dining-room - a room used for dining
dressing room - a room in which you can change clothes
family room - a recreation room in a private house
fixer-upper - a house or other dwelling in need of repair (usually offered for sale at a low price)
fireside, hearth - home symbolized as a part of the fireplace; "driven from hearth and home"; "fighting in defense of their firesides"
hermitage - the abode of a hermit
homestead - dwelling that is usually a farmhouse and adjoining land
house - a dwelling that serves as living quarters for one or more families; "he has a house on Cape Cod"; "she felt she had to get out of the house"
housing, living accommodations, lodging - structures collectively in which people are housed
kitchen - a room equipped for preparing meals
lake dwelling, pile dwelling - dwelling built on piles in or near a lake; specifically in prehistoric villages
front room, living room, living-room, sitting room, parlor, parlour - a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax
indian lodge, lodge - any of various Native American dwellings
messuage - (law) a dwelling house and its adjacent buildings and the adjacent land used by the household
semi-detached house - a dwelling that is attached to something on only one side
vacation home - a dwelling (a second home) where you live while you are on vacation
yurt - a circular domed dwelling that is portable and self-supporting; originally used by nomadic Mongol and Turkic people of central Asia but now used as inexpensive alternative or temporary housing
3.home - the country or state or city where you live; "Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home"; "his home is New Jersey"
location - a point or extent in space
4.home - (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter standshome - (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands; it must be touched by a base runner in order to score; "he ruled that the runner failed to touch home"
baseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!"
bag, base - a place that the runner must touch before scoring; "he scrambled to get back to the bag"
5.home - the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end
location - a point or extent in space
6.home - place where something began and flourished; "the United States is the home of basketball"
origin, source, root, rootage, beginning - the place where something begins, where it springs into being; "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"; "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"; "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"; "communism's Russian root"
7.home - an environment offering affection and security; "home is where the heart is"; "he grew up in a good Christian home"; "there's no place like home"
environment - the totality of surrounding conditions; "he longed for the comfortable environment of his living room"
8.home - a social unit living togetherhome - a social unit living together; "he moved his family to Virginia"; "It was a good Christian household"; "I waited until the whole house was asleep"; "the teacher asked how many people made up his home"
broken home - a family in which the parents have separated or divorced
conjugal family, nuclear family - a family consisting of parents and their children and grandparents of a marital partner
extended family - a family consisting of the nuclear family and their blood relatives
foster family - the family of a fosterling
foster home - a household in which an orphaned or delinquent child is placed (usually by a social-service agency)
menage a trois - household for three; an arrangement where a married couple and a lover of one of them live together while sharing sexual relations
social unit, unit - an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit"
9.home - an institution where people are cared forhome - an institution where people are cared for; "a home for the elderly"
institution - an establishment consisting of a building or complex of buildings where an organization for the promotion of some cause is situated
Verb1.home - provide with, or send to, a home
domiciliate, house, put up - provide housing for; "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"
2.home - return home accurately from a long distance; "homing pigeons"
return - go or come back to place, condition, or activity where one has been before; "return to your native land"; "the professor returned to his teaching position after serving as Dean"
Adj.1.home - used of your own ground; "a home game"
athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
away - used of an opponent's ground; "an away game"
2.home - relating to or being where one lives or where one's roots are; "my home town"
3.home - inside the country; "the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior"; "the nation's internal politics"
domestic - of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation; "domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction"
Adv.1.home - at or to or in the direction of one's home or family; "He stays home on weekends"; "after the game the children brought friends home for supper"; "I'll be home tomorrow"; "came riding home in style"; "I hope you will come home for Christmas"; "I'll take her home"; "don't forget to write home"
2.home - on or to the point aimed at; "the arrow struck home"
3.home - to the fullest extent; to the heart; "drove the nail home"; "drove his point home"; "his comments hit home"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. dwelling, house, residence, abode, habitation, pad (slang), domicile, dwelling place the allocation of land for new homes
2. birthplace, household, homeland, home town, homestead, native land She was told to leave home by her father. His father worked away from home for many years.
3. territory, environment, habitat, range, element, haunt, home ground, abode, habitation, stamping ground threatening the home of the famous African mountain gorillas
1. domestic, national, local, central, internal, native, inland Europe's software companies still have a growing home market.
at home
2. in, present, available Remember I'm not at home to callers.
3. at ease, relaxed, comfortable, content, at peace We soon felt quite at home.
at home in, on, or with familiar with, experienced in, skilled in, proficient in, conversant with, au fait with, knowledgeable of, well-versed in Graphic artists will feel at home with Photoshop
bring something home to someone make clear, emphasize, drive home, press home, impress upon It was to bring home to Americans the immediacy of the crisis.
hit home strike home, get through, sink in, be understood, hit the mark Those words of yours really hit home.
home in on something or someone focus on, target, concentrate, highlight, underline, spotlight, fix on, focus attention on, zero in on The critics immediately homed in on the film's failings. see hone
Related words
like oikomania
fear oikophobia
"Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,"
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home."
"Home, home, sweet, sweet home!"
"There's no place like home! There's no place like home!" [J.H. Payne Clari, the Maid of Milan]
"Home is where the heart is" [Pliny the Elder]
"Home is the place where, when you have to go there,"
"They have to take you in" [Robert Frost The Death of the Hired Man]
"East, west, home's best"
"An Englishman's home is his castle"

Types of home

adobe, apartment, back-to-back, barrack, bedsitter, black house (Scot.), board-and-shingle (Caribbean), boarding house, booth, bungalow, bunker, but and ben (Scot.), cabin, caboose (Canad.), camboose, Cape Cod cottage, caravan, castle, chalet, chateau or château, chattel house, consulate, cot or cote (dialect), cottage, cottage flat, crannog, croft, dacha (Russian), deanery, digs, doss house, duplex or duplex apartment (U.S. & Canad.), embassy, farmhouse, flat, flatlet, flophouse, flotel, garret, grange, guest house, hacienda, hall, hogan, hostel, hotel, house, houseboat, hovel, hut, igloo or iglu, inn, lake dwelling, lodge, log cabin, long house, maisonette, manor, manse, mansion, mattamore, mews (informal), mobile home, motel, motor caravan, mud hut, palace, parsonage, penthouse, pied-à-terre, prefab, priory, ranch, rath (Irish), rectory, rest-home, roadhouse, semi, shack, shanty, shooting box, show house, single-end (Scot. dialect), slum, starter home, stately home, studio flat, tavern, tenement, tent, tepee, town house, trailer (U.S. & Canad.), tree house, tupik or tupek (Canad.), vicarage, villa, whare (N.Z.), wigwam
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. A building or shelter where one lives:
abode, domicile, dwelling, habitation, house, lodging (often used in plural), place, residence.
Chiefly British: dig (used in plural).
2. The natural environment of an animal or plant:
3. An institution that provides care and shelter:
1. Of or relating to the family or household:
2. Of, from, or within a country's own territory:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إلى البيت، في البيْتبِالبَيْتِبيتبَيْتبيْت
barnaheimili; dvalarheimili, hæliheim, heimaheima-, heimilis-heima-; innanlands-heimavöllur
absolventų susitikimasabsolventų susitikimo vakarasbenamisbesiilgintis namųbūti pripratusiam
dzimtā vietadzimteneģimenes-iekšējsiekšzemes-
na miesto určeniatuzemský
hemhemlandsikta insikta in sig på
nhàở nhàquê hươngtổ quốcđích


A. N
1. (= house) → casa f; (= residence) → domicilio m
there's no place like homecomo su casa no hay dos
this tool has no homeesta herramienta no tiene lugar propio
at homeen casa
to feel at homesentirse como en casa
make yourself at homeestás en tu casa
is Mr Lyons at home?¿está el señor Lyons?
to make sb feel at homehacer que algn se sienta en casa
the duchess is at home on Fridaysla duquesa recibe los viernes
Lady Rebecca is not at home to anyoneLady Rebecca no recibe a nadie
at home and abroaddentro y fuera del país
he is at home with the topicdomina bien la materia
I`m not at home in Japaneseapenas me defiendo en japonés, sé muy poco de japonés
home from home (Brit)
home away from home (US) → segunda casa
for us this is a home from homeaquí estamos como en casa, ésta es como una segunda casa para nosotros
to give sb/sth a homedar casa a algn/algo; (= position, niche) → encontrar sitio para algn/algo
he comes from a good homees de buena familia
"good home wanted for puppy"búscase buen hogar para perrito
the puppy went to a good homeel perrito fue a vivir con una buena familia
to have a home of one's owntener casa propia
home sweet homehogar, dulce hogar
an Englishman's home is his castlepara el inglés su casa es como su castillo
2. (= refuge) → hogar m; (= hospital, hostel) → asilo m
home for the agedresidencia f de ancianos, asilo m de ancianos
children's homecentro m de acogida de menores
old people's homeresidencia f de ancianos, asilo m de ancianos
3. (= country) → patria f; (= town) → ciudad f natal; (= origin) → cuna f
we live in Madrid but my home is in Jaénvivimos en Madrid pero nací en Jaén
Scotland is the home of the haggisEscocia es la patria del haggis
he made his home in Italyse estableció en Italia
for some years he made his home in Francedurante algunos años vivió en Francia
4. (Bio) → hábitat m
5. (Sport) (= target area) → meta f; (= home ground) to play at homejugar en casa
Villasanta are at home to CastroforteVillasanta recibe en casa a Castroforte
they lost nine games at homeperdieron nueve partidos en casa
6. (Comput) → punto m inicial, punto m de partida
1. (lit) (= at home) → en casa; (= to home) → a casa
to be homeestar en casa; (= upon return) → estar de vuelta en casa
I'll be home at five o'clock (upon return) → estaré en casa a las cinco
it's a long journey homehay mucho camino hasta llegar a casa
as we say back homecomo decimos en mi tierra
back home in Australiaen mi tierra, (en) Australia
to come homevolver a casa
to be home and dryrespirar tranquilo/a
to get homellegar a casa
to go homevolver a casa; (from abroad) → volver a la patria
he leaves home at eightsale de casa a las ocho
she left home at the age of 17se marchó de casa cuando tenía 17 años
that remark came near homeesa observación le hirió en lo vivo
to see sb homeacompañar a algn a su casa
to send sb homemandar a algn a casa
to stay homequedarse en casa
it's nothing to write home aboutno tiene nada de particular
2. (fig)
to bring sth home to sbhacerle ver algo a algn
it came home to meme di cuenta de ello
to drive sth home to drive a point homesubrayar un punto
to drive a nail homehacer que un clavo entre a fondo
to strike home (= hit target) [shell, bullet] → dar en el blanco; (= go right in) [hammer, nail] → remachar
see also press B7
C. VI [pigeons] → volver a casa
D. CPD home address N (on form) → domicilio m
my home addressmi dirección particular, las señas de mi casa
home banking Nbanco m en casa
home brew N (= beer) → cerveza f casera; (= wine) → vino m casero
home buying Ncompra f de vivienda
home comforts NPLcomodidades fpl domésticas
home computer Nordenador m doméstico
home computing Ninformática f doméstica
home cooking Ncocina f casera
the Home Counties NPL (Brit) los condados alrededor de Londres
home country Npatria f, país m de origen
home economics NSING (Scol) → ciencia f del hogar
home fries NPL (US) carne picada frita con patatas y col
home front Nfrente m interno
home ground N (Sport) to play at one's home groundjugar en casa
to be on home ground (fig) → estar en su terreno or lugar
Home Guard N (Brit) cuerpo de voluntarios para la defensa nacional durante la segunda guerra mundial
home help N (= act) → atención f domiciliaria, ayuda f a domicilio (Brit) (= person) → asistente/a m/f (especialmente los que, a cargo de la seguridad social, ayudan en las tareas domésticas a personas necesitadas)
home improvements NPLreformas fpl en casa
home industries NPL (Comm) → industrias fpl nacionales
home journey Nviaje m a casa, viaje m de vuelta
home leave Npermiso m para irse a casa
home life Nvida f de familia, vida f doméstica
home loan Npréstamo m para la vivienda
home market N (Comm) → mercado m nacional, mercado m interior
home match N (Sport) → partido m en casa
home movie Npelícula f hecha por un aficionado
home news NSING (gen) → noticias fpl de casa (Pol) → información f nacional
Home Office N (Brit) → Ministerio m del Interior, Gobernación f (Mex)
home owner Npropietario/a m/f de una casa
home ownerspropietarios mpl de viviendas
home ownership Npropiedad f de viviendas
home page N (Internet) → página f digital, home page m
home port Npuerto m de origen
home product N (Comm) → producto m nacional
home rule Nautonomía f
home run N (Baseball) → jonrón m; (= return journey) [of ship, truck] → viaje m de vuelta
home sales NPLventas fpl nacionales
Home Secretary N (Brit) → Ministro m del Interior
home shopping Nventa f por correo (TV, Telec) → televenta f
the home side N (Sport) → el equipo de casa, el equipo local
home straight N (Sport) → recta f final
to be in the home straight (fig) → estar en la última recta
home stretch N = home straight the home team N (Sport) → el equipo de casa, el equipo local
home town Nciudad f natal
home trade N (Comm) → comercio m interior
home truths NPL to tell sb a few home truthsdecir cuatro verdades a algn
home victory N (Sport) → victoria f en casa
home visit Nvisita f a domicilio
home waters NPLaguas fpl territoriales
home win N (Sport) → victoria f en casa
home in on VI + PREP
1. [missiles] → dirigirse hacia
to home in on the targetbuscar el blanco
2. (fig) → concentrarse en
Los Home Counties son los condados que se encuentran en los alrededores de Londres: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent y Middlesex, un alto porcentaje de cuya población se encuentra en buena posición económica. De ahí que el término Home Counties haya adquirido dimensiones culturales y a la gente que vive en ellos se les considere en general personas adineradas de clase media-alta que, además, tienen al hablar un acento muy particular, conocido como RP.
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= house) → maison f
Jack often dreamed of home from his prison cell → De sa cellule, Jack rêvait souvent à sa maison.
They are building 50 new homes
BUT Ils sont en train de construire 50 nouvelles logements.
The only way to solve homelessness is to provide more homes → La seule manière de résoudre le problème des sans-abri est de construire plus de logements.
His home is in Hampstead
BUT Il réside à Hampstead.
his London home → son domicile londonien
near my home → près de chez moi
to have a home of one's own → avoir un chez-soi
a home from home (British) a home away from home (US)un chez-soi loin de chez soi
at home (at one's place of residence)chez soi, à la maison
make yourself at home → faites comme chez vous
to feel at home → se sentir chez soi, se sentir à l'aise
to stay at home → rester chez soi, rester à la maison
I'm staying at home today → Je reste chez moi aujourd'hui., Je reste à la maison aujourd'hui.
She goes out to work, while he stays at home to care for the children → Elle va travailler pendant qu'il reste à la maison pour s'occuper des enfants.
to be too close to home (= too personal) → s'approcher un peu trop près de la vérité, devenir trop personnel
(= institution) → maison f, foyer m
a home for disabled people → un foyer pour handicapés retirement home
(country where one lives)pays m (= country of birth) → pays m natal
His home is Scotland now → Son pays c'est l'Écosse maintenant.
at home and abroad → dans le pays et à l'étranger, dans son pays et à l'étranger
a campaign to spread American values at home and abroad → une campagne visant à diffuser les valeurs américaines dans le pays et à l'étranger
He has worked tirelessly at home and abroad in his role as head of the Anglican Church → Il a travaillé sans relâche, dans son pays et à l'étranger, en tant que chef de l'Église anglicane.
the home of sth (= main centre) → la capitale de qch
St Andrews is the home of golf in Scotland → St Andrews est la capitale du golf en Écosse. (= birthplace) → le berceau de qch
St Andrews is the home of golf in Scotland → St Andrews est le berceau du golf en Écosse.
(SPORT) at home → à domicile
Celtic are at home this weekend → Le Celtic joue à domicile ce week-end.
to play at home → jouer à domicile
Liverpool are playing Chelsea at home → Liverpool joue à domicile contre Chelsea.
(at or to one's house)chez soi, à la maison
I'll be home at 5 o'clock → Je serai à la maison à cinq heures.
Hi, I'm home!
BUT Coucou, je suis rentré!.
to go home → rentrer chez soi, rentrer à la maison
I want to go home → Je veux rentrer à la maison., Je veux rentrer chez moi.
to get home → rentrer
I'll phone you as soon as I get home → Je t'appelle dès que je rentre.
What time did he get home? → Il est rentré à quelle heure?
(fig) to bring sth home to sb → rappeler qch à qn
to press sth home, to drive sth home [+ point of view, argument] → faire en sorte que qch porte, faire en sorte que qch fasse mouche
We need to debate this issue and press home the argument → Nous devons débattre de ce problème et faire en sorte que nos arguments portent., Nous devons débattre de ce problème et faire en sorte que nos arguments fassent mouche.
to hit home, to strike home → faire mouche
It's good to see that his message has finally hit home → Ça fait plaisir de voir que son message a finalement fait mouche.
to be home and dry (British) to be home free (US)être à l'abri
The prime minister and the moderates are not yet home and dry → Le Premier ministre et les modérés ne sont pas encore à l'abri.
it's nothing to write home about (nothing special)rien d'extraordinaire à cela
(referring to a country) to go home → rentrer
He went home to France → Il est rentré en France.
She went home to Yorkshire → Elle est rentrée dans le Yorkshire.
(= right in) to drive sth home [+ nail, screw] → enfoncer qch à fond
[atmosphere] → familial(e)
(= national) [politics, economy, issue] → intérieur(e) home news
(SPORT) home win → victoire à domicile
It was a home win for Celtic → Ce fut une victoire à domicile pour le Celtic.
a home defeat → une défaite à domicile
home in on
vt fus
[missile] [+ target] → se diriger automatiquement vers, se diriger automatiquement sur
(= concentrate on) [person] [+ problem, weakness] → se focaliser surhome address n (on forms)domicile m (permanent); (as opposed to business address)adresse f personnelle
What's your home address?
BUT Quelle est votre adresse ?.home assembly home-assembly
nassemblage m (par soi-même)
for home assembly → à assembler chez soi, à assembler soi-même
modifà assembler chez soi, à assembler soi-mêmehome-baked [ˌhəʊmˈbeɪkt] adjfait(e) maisonhome banking nbanque f à domicilehome base n [person] → port m d'attache; [guerrillas] → base f; [company] → siège mhome birth naccouchement m à domicilehomebody [ˈhəʊmbɒdi] n (US)pantouflard(e) m/f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= where one lives)Zuhause nt, → Heim nt; (= house)Haus nt; (= country, area etc)Heimat f; a loving/good homeein liebevolles/gutes Zuhause; gifts for the homeGeschenke plfür das Haus or die Wohnung; a useful gadget to have in your homeein sehr praktisches Gerät für den Haushalt; his home is in Brusselser ist in Brüssel zu Hause; Bournemouth is his second homeBournemouth ist seine zweite Heimat (geworden); haven’t you got a home to go to?hast du kein Zuhause?; he invited us round to his homeer hat uns zu sich (nach Hause) eingeladen; away from homevon zu Hause weg; a long way from homeweit von zu Hause weg or entfernt; (in different country also) → weit von der Heimat entfernt; to live away from homenicht zu Hause wohnen; he worked away from homeer hat auswärts gearbeitet; let’s concentrate on problems closer to homewir sollten uns auf unsere eigenen Probleme konzentrieren; to have a home of one’s ownein eigenes Heim or Zuhause haben; to find a home for somebody/an animalein Zuhause für jdn/ein Tier finden; does this hammer have a home? (hum)gehört dieser Hammer an einen bestimmten Platz?; I’ll give that picture a homebei mir wird das Bild einen guten Platz finden or haben; it’s a home from homees ist wie zu Hause; at homezu Hause; (Comm) → im Inland; (Sport) → auf eigenem Platz; the next match will be at homedas nächste Spiel ist ein Heimspiel; Miss Hooper is not at home todayFrau Hooper ist heute nicht zu Hause or nicht da; Miss Hooper is not at home to anyone todayFrau Hooper ist heute für niemanden zu Hause or zu sprechen; who’s he when he’s at home? (inf)wer in aller Welt ist er?; to be or feel at home with somebodysich in jds Gegenwart (dat)wohlfühlen; he doesn’t feel at home with Englisher fühlt sich im Englischen nicht sicher or zu Hause; I don’t feel at home with this new theory yetich komme mit dieser neuen Theorie noch nicht ganz zurecht; to make oneself at homees sich (dat)gemütlich or bequem machen; to make somebody feel at homees jdm gemütlich machen; to leave homevon zu Hause weggehen; Scotland is the home of the haggisSchottland ist die Heimat des Haggis, das Haggis ist in Schottland zu Hause; the city/this building is home to some 1,500 studentsin dieser Stadt/diesem Gebäude wohnen etwa 1.500 Studenten or sind etwa 1.500 Studenten zu Hause; there’s no place like home (Prov) → daheim ist daheim (prov), → eigener Herd ist Goldes wert (Prov); home sweet home (Prov) → trautes Heim, Glück allein (Prov)
(= institution)Heim nt; (for orphans) → Waisenhaus nt, → Heim nt; (for blind) → Heim nt, → Anstalt f ? nursing home
(Zool, Bot) → Heimat f
(Sport) (= base)Mal nt; (Racing) → Ziel nt
(position) → zu Hause, zuhause (Aus, Sw), → daheim; (with verb of motion) → nach Hause, nachhause (Aus, Sw), → heim; to go home (to house) → nach Hause or (Aus, Sw) → nachhause gehen/fahren; (to country) → heimfahren; on the way homeauf dem Heim- or Nachhauseweg; the first runner homeder Erste, der durchs Ziel geht; the first runner home was FredFred ging als Erster durchs Ziel; to get homenach Hause or (Aus, Sw) nachhause kommen, heimkommen; (in race) → durchs Ziel gehen; I have to get home before tenich muss vor zehn zu Hause or (Aus, Sw) zuhause or daheim sein; to return home from abroadaus dem Ausland zurückkommen
(= to the mark) to drive a nail homeeinen Nagel einschlagen; he nudged the ball home (Ftbl) → er schob den Ball ins Tor; to bring or get something home to somebodyjdm etw klarmachen or beibringen; it came home to him that …es wurde ihm klar, dass …; to strike home (torpedo etc)treffen; (fig: remark) → ins Schwarze treffen, sitzen (inf) ? drive home, hammer home, hit, press, push
vi (pigeons)heimkehren


home address
nHeimatadresse or -anschrift f; (as opposed to business address) → Privatanschrift f
adjselbst gebacken
home banking
nHomebanking nt
home base
n (Baseball) → Homebase nt, → Schlagmal nt
home birth
nHausgeburt f
n (inf)Heimchen nt
n (dated US inf) → Einheimische(r) m; (US sl: = close friend) → Kumpel m
adj (= indigenous)einheimisch
nselbst gebrautes Bier, Selbstgebraute(s) nt
adjselbst gebraut
home comforts
nHeimkehr f
home computer
nHomecomputer m, → Heimcomputer m
home computing
nComputern nt
home contents
plHausrat m; home insuranceHausratsversicherung f
home cooking
Home Counties
pl Grafschaften, die an London angrenzen
adjselbst gebeizt
home economics
n singHauswirtschaft(slehre) f
home entertainment system
nHome-Entertainment-System nt
home exercise machine
nHometrainer m
home front
n on the home (Mil, Pol) → im eigenen Land; (in business contexts) → im eigenen Betrieb; (in personal, family contexts) → zu Hause
home game
n (Sport) → Heimspiel nt
n (dated US inf) → Einheimische f; (US sl: = close friend) → Kumpel m
home ground
n (Sport) → eigener Platz; to be on home (fig)sich auf vertrautem Terrain bewegen
adj vegetablesselbst gezogen; (= not imported)einheimisch; (fig) talent, playerheimisch
Home Guard
nBürgerwehr f
home help
home improvements
nRenovierungsarbeiten pl (am Haus oder in der Wohnung)
home improvements loan
nModernisierungsdarlehen nt
home key
n (Comput) → Pos-1-Taste f, → Home-Taste f
nHeimat (→ land nt) f, → Vaterland nt
pl the homedie Obdachlosen pl
home life
nFamilienleben nt
adjheimelig, wie daheim
home loan
nHypothek f


adjselbst gemacht; (pej)selbst gestrickt
n (US: = housewife) → Hausfrau f, → Hausmutter f; (= social worker)Familienfürsorger(in) m(f)
home market
home match
n (Sport) → Heimspiel nt
home movie
nAmateurfilm m
home news
nMeldungen plaus dem Inland
Home Office
n (Brit) → Innenministerium nt; (with relation to aliens) → Einwanderungsbehörde f


n (of house) → Hauseigentümer(in) m(f); (of flat) → Wohnungseigentümer(in) m(f)
nEigenbesitz mvon Häusern/Wohnungen
home page
n (Comput) → Homepage f
home plate
n (Baseball) → Ausgangsbase nt
home port
nHeimathafen m


home rule
home run
n (Baseball) → Homerun m; to hit a homeum alle vier Male laufen; (US fig) → das große Los ziehen
home sales
plInlandsumsatz m
Home Secretary
n (Brit) → Innenminister(in) m(f)
home shopping
nHomeshopping nt; (on TV also) → Teleshopping nt
adjheimwehkrank; to be homeHeimweh haben (for nach)
nHeimweh nt(for nach)
home side
n (Sport) → Gastgeber pl, → Heimmannschaft f
clothselbst gesponnen, handgesponnen
(fig: = simple) → einfach; (pej)hausbacken; home philosophyLebensweisheiten pl; home advicealtbewährter Rat
n (= cloth)Homespun nt (grober, genoppter Wollstoff)
(US) → Heimstätte ffür Siedler
Heimstättenbesitzer(in) m(f)
(US) → Heimstättensiedler(in) m(f)
home straight, home stretch
n (Sport) → Zielgerade f; we’re in the home now (fig inf)das Ende ist in Sicht
home team
n (Sport) → Gastgeber pl, → Heimmannschaft f, → Platzherren pl (inf)
home town, (US) hometown
nHeimatstadt f
home truth
n (Brit) → bittere Wahrheit; to tell somebody a few homesjdm die Augen öffnen
home video
nAmateurvideo nt


home waters
pl (Naut) → heimatliche Gewässer pl
n (Sch) → Hausaufgaben pl, → Schulaufgaben pl; to give somebody something as homejdm etw aufgeben; what home have you got?was hast du auf?; the minister had not done his home (inf)der Minister hatte sich mit der Materie nicht vertraut gemacht
nHeimarbeiter(in) m(f)
nHeimarbeit f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (residence, house) → casa; (country, area) → patria, paese m natale or natio (Bot, Zool) → habitat m inv
to have a home of one's own → avere una casa propria
it's near my home → è vicino a casa mia
it's a home from home → è come essere a casa propria
there's no place like home → non si sta mai bene come a casa propria
she comes from a good home → viene da una buona famiglia
he comes from a broken home → i suoi sono divisi
to give sb/sth a home → prendersi in casa qn/qc
he made his home in Italy → si è stabilito in Italia
Scotland is the home of the haggis → la Scozia è la patria dell'haggis
at home → a casa
Celtic is playing at home on Saturday → il Celtic gioca in casa sabato
make yourself at home → fai come se fossi a casa tua
to make sb feel at home → mettere qn a proprio agio
she is at home with the topic → conosce la materia benissimo
I'm not at home to anyone (fig) → non ci sono per nessuno
b. (institution) → istituto; (for old people) → casa di riposo
2. adv
a.a casa
to go home → andare a casa
to come home → tornare (a casa)
to stay home → stare a or restare in casa
I got home at 10 o'clock → sono rientrato alle 10
on the way home → sulla via di casa
can I see you home? → posso accompagnarti a casa?
it's nothing to write home about (fam) → non è gran che, non è niente di speciale
we're home and dry (fig) → siamo salvi
b. (right in) → a fondo, fino in fondo
to drive a nail home → conficcare un chiodo
to bring sth home to sb (fig) → aprire gli occhi a qn su qc
that remark hit home → ciò che ha detto ha colpito nel segno
3. vi (pigeons) → tornare alla base
4. adj (life) → familiare; (cooking) → casalingo/a; (improvements) → alla casa; (comforts) → di casa; (native, village) → natale, natio/a (Econ) (trade, market) → nazionale, interno/a; (product, industries) → nazionale; (news) → dall'interno (Sport) (team) → di casa (000) (match, win) → in casa
home in on vi + adv + prep (missiles) → dirigersi (automaticamente) verso
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(həum) noun
1. the house, town, country etc where a person etc usually lives. I work in London but my home is in Bournemouth; When I retire, I'll make my home in Bournemouth; Africa is the home of the lion; We'll have to find a home for the kitten.
2. the place from which a person, thing etc comes originally. America is the home of jazz.
3. a place where children without parents, old people, people who are ill etc live and are looked after. an old folk's home; a nursing home.
4. a place where people stay while they are working. a nurses' home.
5. a house. Crumpy Construction build fine homes for fine people; He invited me round to his home.
1. of a person's home or family. home comforts.
2. of the country etc where a person lives. home produce.
3. (in football) playing or played on a team's own ground. the home team; a home game.
1. to a person's home. I'm going home now; Hallo – I'm home!
2. completely; to the place, position etc a thing is intended to be. He drove the nail home; Few of his punches went home; These photographs of the war brought home to me the suffering of the soldiers.
ˈhomeless noun plural, adjective
(people) without a place to live in. This charity was set up to help the homeless; homeless people.
ˈhomely adjective
1. simple but pleasant. homely food.
2. making a person feel he is at home. a homely atmosphere.
3. (American) (of a person) not attractive; ugly.
ˈhomeliness noun
ˈhoming adjective
1. (of pigeons etc) which (can) fly home when set free a long way from home.
2. able to take a missile etc to its target. These torpedoes have homing devices in their noses.
ˈhome-coming noun
1. the return home of a person (who has been away for some time). We had a party to celebrate his home-coming.
2. (American) an annual event held by a college, a university or high school for former students.
ˌhome-ˈgrown adjective
grown in one's own garden or in one's own country. These tomatoes are home-grown.
ˈhomeland noun
a person's native land. Immigrants often weep for their homeland.
ˌhome-ˈmade adjective
made by a person at home; not professionally made. home-made jam; home-made furniture.
home rule
the government of a country or part of a country by its own citizens.
ˈhomesick adjective
missing one's home. When the boy first went to boarding-school he was very homesick.
ˈhomesickness noun
ˈhomestead (-sted) noun
a house, especially a farm, with the land and other buildings (eg barns) which belong to it, especially in the United States, Australia etc.
home truth
a plain statement of something which is unpleasant but true (about a person, his behaviour etc) said directly to the person. It's time someone told him a few home truths.
ˈhomeward adjective
going home. his homeward journey.
ˈhomeward(s) adverb
towards home. his journey homeward; He journeyed homewards.
ˈhomework noun
work or study done at home, especially by a school pupil. Finish your homework!
at home
1. in one's home. I'm afraid he's not at home.
2. (in football etc) in one's own ground. The team is playing at home today.
be/feel at home
to feel as relaxed as one does in one's own home or in a place or situation one knows well. I always feel at home in France; He's quite at home with cows – he used to live on a farm.
home in on
to move towards (a target etc). The missile is designed to home in on aircraft.
leave home
1. to leave one's house. I usually leave home at 7.30 a.m.
2. to leave one's home to go and live somewhere else. He left home at the age of fifteen to get a job in Australia.
make oneself at home
to make oneself as comfortable and relaxed as one would at home. Make yourself at home!
nothing to write home about
not very good. The concert was nothing to write home about.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


بِالبَيْتِ, بَيْت doma, domov hjem heim, Zuhause σπίτι, σπίτι μου a casa, hogar koti, kotona à la maison, maison dom, kući a casa, casa 我が家へ, 自宅, 집에 thuis hjem do domu, dom lar, para casa дом, домой hem ที่บ้าน, บ้าน ev, evde nhà, ở nhà 回家,
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. casa, hogar;
broken ___hogar deshecho.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adj domiciliario, casero; — care atención domiciliaria; — remedy remedio casero; n casa, hogar, domicilio; You can go home..Puede regresar a la casa; at — en casa; convalescent — (ant) casa de convalecencia or descanso, (euph) centro de enfermería especializada; medical — hogar médico; nursing — (fam) centro de enfermería especializada; rest — (ant) casa de reposo or descanso, (euph) centro de enfermería especializada
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
At about the same time, the eyes on the wall acquired a new expression, and in every one of those staring rounds I saw written, DON'T GO HOME.
The ant and bee learned generosity, the butterfly and bird contentment, the mole and worm confidence in the love of others; and each went to their home better for the little time they had been with Violet.
Many cities did he visit, and many were the nations with whose manners and customs he was acquainted; moreover he suffered much by sea while trying to save his own life and bring his men safely home; but do what he might he could not save his men, for they perished through their own sheer folly in eating the cattle of the Sun-god Hyperion; so the god prevented them from ever reaching home.
Most of the students went home to spend their vacation.
Well, the night was young when we arrived in that public house, and for all of that first night that public house was what I saw of Japan--a drinking-place which was very like a drinking-place at home or anywhere else over the world.
But each vacation he brought home larger and larger drawings with the satiny rendering of landscape, and water-colors in vivid greens, together with manuscript books full of exercises and problems, in which the handwriting was all the finer because he gave his whole mind to it.
"If only Peg Bowen had been at home she could have found him for us," asserted Peter.
Usually, also, if the weather permitted, both she and her sister would walk home; Matilda, because she hated the confinement of the carriage; she, because she disliked the privacy of it, and enjoyed the company that generally enlivened the first mile of the journey in walking from the church to Mr.
Curtis on Louden Slater's Hill, I was conducted by Rich, one of the hands belonging on board of the sloop, to my new home in Alliciana Street, near Mr.
Then the Prince said to her, 'You can hardly walk; I will put you on my horse and lead you home. Where do you live?'
A fortnight later Leslie Moore came home alone to the old house where she had spent so many bitter years.
John should find home a paradise, he should always see a smiling face, should fare sumptuously every day, and never know the loss of a button.