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1. A room in a house, especially a bedroom.
2. A room where a person of authority, rank, or importance receives visitors.
3. chambers The private office where the judge consults with parties and conducts business not required to be brought in open court.
4. chambers Chiefly British A suite of rooms, especially one used by lawyers.
5. A hall for the meetings of a legislative or other assembly.
6. A legislative or judicial body.
7. A board or council.
8. A place where municipal or state funds are received and held; a treasury.
a. An enclosed space or compartment: the chamber of a pump; a compression chamber.
b. An enclosed space in the body of an organism; a cavity: the four chambers of the heart.
a. A compartment in a firearm, as in the breech of a rifle or the cylinder of a revolver, that holds the cartridge in readiness for firing.
b. An enclosed space in the bore of a gun that holds the charge.
tr.v. cham·bered, cham·ber·ing, cham·bers
1. To put (a round) in the chamber of a firearm.
2. To design or manufacture (a firearm) to hold a specific type of cartridge.
3. To furnish with a chamber or chambers: tombs that were chambered.

[Middle English chaumbre, from Old French chambre, from Late Latin camera, chamber, from Latin, vault, from Greek kamarā.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. a meeting hall, esp one used for a legislative or judicial assembly
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a reception room or audience room in an official residence, palace, etc
3. archaic or poetic a room in a private house, esp a bedroom
4. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy)
a. a legislative, deliberative, judicial, or administrative assembly
b. any of the houses of a legislature
5. an enclosed space; compartment; cavity: the smallest chamber in the caves.
6. (Nautical Terms) the space between two gates of the locks of a canal, dry dock, etc
7. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) an enclosure for a cartridge in the cylinder of a revolver or for a shell in the breech of a cannon
8. (Historical Terms) obsolete a place where the money of a government, corporation, etc, was stored; treasury
9. (Furniture) short for chamberpot
10. (Agriculture) NZ the freezing room in an abattoir
11. (Classical Music) (modifier) of, relating to, or suitable for chamber music: a chamber concert.
(tr) to put in or provide with a chamber
[C13: from Old French chambre, from Late Latin camera room, Latin: vault, from Greek kamara]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈtʃeɪm bər)

1. a usu. private room in a house or apartment, esp. a bedroom.
2. a room in a palace or official residence.
a. a legislative, judicial, or other assembly, or a branch of such an assembly: the upper and lower chambers of a legislature.
b. a room housing such an assembly.
4. chambers, a place where a judge hears matters not requiring action in open court.
5. an enclosed space; cavity: a chamber of the heart.
6. a receptacle for one or more cartridges in a firearm, or for a shell in a gun.
7. of, pertaining to, or performing chamber music: chamber players.
8. to put or enclose in or as if in a chamber.
9. to provide with a chamber.
[1175–1225; Middle English chambre < Old French < Latin camera, variant of camara vaulted room, vault < Greek kamára]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: chambered
Gerund: chambering

I chamber
you chamber
he/she/it chambers
we chamber
you chamber
they chamber
I chambered
you chambered
he/she/it chambered
we chambered
you chambered
they chambered
Present Continuous
I am chambering
you are chambering
he/she/it is chambering
we are chambering
you are chambering
they are chambering
Present Perfect
I have chambered
you have chambered
he/she/it has chambered
we have chambered
you have chambered
they have chambered
Past Continuous
I was chambering
you were chambering
he/she/it was chambering
we were chambering
you were chambering
they were chambering
Past Perfect
I had chambered
you had chambered
he/she/it had chambered
we had chambered
you had chambered
they had chambered
I will chamber
you will chamber
he/she/it will chamber
we will chamber
you will chamber
they will chamber
Future Perfect
I will have chambered
you will have chambered
he/she/it will have chambered
we will have chambered
you will have chambered
they will have chambered
Future Continuous
I will be chambering
you will be chambering
he/she/it will be chambering
we will be chambering
you will be chambering
they will be chambering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been chambering
you have been chambering
he/she/it has been chambering
we have been chambering
you have been chambering
they have been chambering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been chambering
you will have been chambering
he/she/it will have been chambering
we will have been chambering
you will have been chambering
they will have been chambering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been chambering
you had been chambering
he/she/it had been chambering
we had been chambering
you had been chambering
they had been chambering
I would chamber
you would chamber
he/she/it would chamber
we would chamber
you would chamber
they would chamber
Past Conditional
I would have chambered
you would have chambered
he/she/it would have chambered
we would have chambered
you would have chambered
they would have chambered
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.chamber - a natural or artificial enclosed space
air lock, airlock - a chamber that provides access to space where air is under pressure
air-raid shelter, bomb shelter, bombproof - a chamber (often underground) reinforced against bombing and provided with food and living facilities; used during air raids
burial chamber, sepulcher, sepulchre, sepulture - a chamber that is used as a grave
cofferdam, pneumatic caisson, caisson - large watertight chamber used for construction under water
camera obscura - a darkened enclosure in which images of outside objects are projected through a small aperture or lens onto a facing surface
core - the chamber of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile material where the reaction takes place
piston chamber, cylinder - a chamber within which piston moves
enclosure - a structure consisting of an area that has been enclosed for some purpose
firing chamber, gun chamber - chamber that is the part of a gun that receives the charge
furnace - an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.
hyperbaric chamber - a large chamber in which the oxygen pressure is above normal for the atmosphere; used in treating breathing disorders or carbon monoxide poisoning
particle detector - a chamber in which particles can be made visible
cavity resonator, resonating chamber, resonator - a hollow chamber whose dimensions allow the resonant oscillation of electromagnetic or acoustic waves
steam chest - the chamber from which steam is distributed to a cylinder
fireroom, stokehold, stokehole - (nautical) chamber or compartment in which the furnaces of a ship are stoked or fired
packing box, stuffing box - a small chamber in which packing is compressed around a reciprocating shaft or piston to form a seal
tokamak - a doughnut-shaped chamber used in fusion research; a plasma is heated and confined in a magnetic bottle
vacuum chamber - a chamber from which nearly all matter (especially air) has been removed
2.chamber - an enclosed volume in the body; "the chambers of his heart were healthy"
bodily cavity, cavum, cavity - (anatomy) a natural hollow or sinus within the body
heart ventricle, ventricle - a chamber of the heart that receives blood from an atrium and pumps it to the arteries
atrium - any chamber that is connected to other chambers or passageways (especially one of the two upper chambers of the heart)
3.chamber - a room where a judge transacts business
diwan, divan - a Muslim council chamber or law court
room - an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; "the rooms were very small but they had a nice view"
4.chamber - a deliberative or legislative or administrative or judicial assembly; "the upper chamber is the senate"
assembly - a group of persons who are gathered together for a common purpose
5.chamber - a room used primarily for sleepingchamber - a room used primarily for sleeping  
bed - a piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep; "he sat on the edge of the bed"; "the room had only a bed and chair"
boudoir - a lady's bedroom or private sitting room
child's room - a bedroom for a child
dorm room, dormitory room, dormitory - a large sleeping room containing several beds
dwelling, dwelling house, habitation, home, abode, domicile - housing that someone is living in; "he built a modest dwelling near the pond"; "they raise money to provide homes for the homeless"
guestroom - a bedroom that is kept for the use of guests
hotel room - a bedroom (usually with bath) in a hotel
master bedroom - the principal bedroom in a house; usually occupied by the head of the household
motel room - a sleeping room in a motel
room - an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling; "the rooms were very small but they had a nice view"
Verb1.chamber - place in a chamber
domiciliate, house, put up - provide housing for; "The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. hall, room We are going to be in the council chamber when he speaks.
2. council, assembly, legislature, legislative body the main political chamber of the Slovenian parliament
3. room, bedroom, apartment, enclosure, cubicle We shall dine together in my chamber.
4. compartment, hollow, cavity The incinerator works by focusing the sun's rays onto a cylindrical glass chamber.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
أحَدُ مَجْلِسَي البَرْلَمانحُجْرَةُ الخَرْطوشَة في سِلاحٍ ناريغُرْفَهمَجْلِس
kambarinėkamerinė muzikalizdasrūmaisalė


A. N
1. [of parliament] → cámara f (o.f.) (= esp bedroom) → aposento (o.f.) m chambers [of judge] → despacho m; [of barrister] → bufete m
the Upper/Lower Chamber (Pol) → la Cámara Alta/Baja
chamber of commercecámara f de comercio
2. [of gun] → recámara f
B. CPD chamber concert Nconcierto m de cámara
chamber music Nmúsica f de cámara
chamber orchestra Norquesta f de cámara
chamber pot Norinal m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= room) → chambre f
(= house of parliament) → Chambre f chambers
npl [lawyer] → cabinet m
to hear a case in chambers → juger une cause en référé, juger un cas en référéchamber concert nconcert m de musique de chambre
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(old: = room) → Gemach nt (old), → Raum m; (= bedroom)Schlafgemach nt (old); chamber of horrorsHorrorkabinett nt
(Brit) chambers pl (of solicitor)Kanzlei f; (of judge)Dienst- or Amtszimmer nt
Chamber of CommerceHandelskammer f; the Upper/Lower Chamber (Parl) → die Erste/Zweite Kammer
(Anat) → (Herz)kammer f
(of revolver)Kammer f


nZimmermädchen nt, → Kammerzofe f (old)
chamber music
nKammermusik f
chamber orchestra
chamber pot
nNachttopf m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈtʃeɪmbəʳ] n (of parliament) → camera; (old) (room) → stanza chambers npl (of judge, lawyer) → studio
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈtʃeimbə) noun
1. a room.
2. the place where an assembly (eg Parliament) meets. There were few members left in the chamber.
3. such an assembly. the Upper and Lower Chambers.
4. an enclosed space or cavity eg the part of a gun which holds the bullets. Many pistols have chambers for six bullets.
ˈchambermaid noun
a female servant or hotel worker in charge of bedrooms.
chamber music
music for a small group of players, suitable for a room rather than a large hall.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n. cámara, cavidad;
anterior ______ anterior, situada entre la córnea y el iris;
aqueous ______ acuosa;
___ -s of the eye___ -s oculares;
___ -s of the heartcavidades del corazón: aurículas y ventrículos del corazón;
hyperbaric ______ hiperbárica.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n cámara; decompression — cámara de descompresión; hyperbaric — cámara hiperbárica; valved holding — (for metered-dose inhaler) cámara espaciadora con válvula
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-- While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Here the reptile stopped and commenced to go over the poor devil carefully, and as it did so its back turned toward me for an instant, and in that instant I gave two mighty leaps that carried me out of the chamber into the corridor beyond, down which I raced with all the speed I could command.
This is what passed in the chamber of the victim while we were waiting below.
As I rose to my feet I glanced hurriedly about the chamber in which I had just encountered such a warm reception.
Just let twelve spinning-wheels be brought into the ante- chamber, and they will go to them and be pleased with them, and that is what no man would do.' The king liked the advice, and had the spinning-wheels placed in the ante-chamber.
Another king would be loosed from his sealed chamber and Ghek would be killed.
It was quite dark before La, the high priestess, returned to the Chamber of the Dead with food and drink for Tarzan.
At the bottom of a flight of narrow steps the corridor turned sharply back upon itself, immediately making another turn in the original direction, so that at that point it formed a perfect letter S, the top leg of which debouched suddenly into a large chamber, illy lighted, and the floor of which was completely covered by venomous snakes and loathsome reptiles.
After ascending and descending several steps in the corridors, which were so dark that they were lighted by lamps at mid-day, La Esmeralda, still surrounded by her lugubrious escort, was thrust by the police into a gloomy chamber. This chamber, circular in form, occupied the ground floor of one of those great towers, which, even in our own century, still pierce through the layer of modern edifices with which modern Paris has covered ancient Paris.
He first of all took advantage of Rosa's absence to make himself fully acquainted with all the peculiarities of the door of her chamber. The lock was a double one and in good order, but Rosa always took the key with her.
A second and third door receded before me and slipped to one side as the first, before I reached a large inner chamber where I found food and drink set out upon a great stone table.