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Related to Holyrood: Holyrood Palace, Holyrood House


(ˈhɒlɪˌruːd; ˈhəʊlɪˌruːd)
1. (Placename) the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh, located beside Holyroodhouse
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) informal the Scottish Government
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Queen Mary seems to have been luring me to my undoing ever since I saw Holyrood, and I have a horrid fear that I may write that novel yet.
He meets Bonnie Prince Charlie, is present at the famous ball at Holyrood, fights at the battle of Prestonpans, and marches with the rebel army into England.
You turn to your right past the famous Palace of Holyrood; you cross the Park and the Drive, and take your way upward to the ruins of Anthony's Chapel, on the shoulder of the hill--and there you are!
Here he stopped for a minute, to look at the strange, irregular clusters of lights piled one above the other, and twinkling afar off so high, that they looked like stars, gleaming from the castle walls on the one side and the Calton Hill on the other, as if they illuminated veritable castles in the air; while the old picturesque town slept heavily on, in gloom and darkness below: its palace and chapel of Holyrood, guarded day and night, as a friend of my uncle's used to say, by old Arthur's Seat, towering, surly and dark, like some gruff genius, over the ancient city he has watched so long.
The stunt forced MSPs to leave their offices and listen to demonstrators' concerns over "failures" in legislation going through Holyrood.
A three-month-old Cocker Spaniel belonging to a West Scotland MSP has won the 'paw-litical' title Holyrood Dog of the Year.
The Eastwood member, who has been at Holyrood since 1999, came second in the 2011 leadership contest won by Johann Lamont.
The SNP yesterday called for Holyrood to be given full control over welfare after dozens of charities backed the transfer of power.
IF Nicola Sturgeon wishes to become First Minister of the Scottish Executive at Holyrood, then good luck to her.
Crown Care, a division of Ladhar Group, has transformed a Wake-field pub into an 85-bed home called Holyrood House, which is due to open in August.