home farm

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home farm

(Agriculture) Brit (esp formerly) a farm belonging to and providing food for a large country house
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At last he reached the Home Farm. Two men were loitering in the yard.
The unhurried meals, the foreknowledge of deliciously empty hours to follow, the breadths of soft sky under which they walked together and reckoned time only by their hunger or thirst; the good grass beneath their feet that cheated the miles; their discoveries, always together, amid the farms--Griffons, Rocketts, Burnt House, Gale Anstey, and the Home Farm, where Iggulden of the blue smock-frock would waylay them, and they would ransack the old house once more; the long wet afternoons when, they tucked up their feet on the bedroom's deep window-sill over against the apple-trees, and talked together as never till then had they found time to talk--these things contented her soul, and her body throve.
Gale Anstey, Burnt House, Rocketts, the Home Farm, and Griffons?
Rebecca felt an interest in the Simpsons from the first, because there were so many of them and they were so patched and darned, just like her own brood at the home farm.
Patio doors, a cooker hob and a rotting wooden pallet were just some of the items dumped at Home Farm in Attingham, neat Shrewsbury.
Farmer Ben Dixon, from Home Farm, said: "It looks like someone's had their kitchen refurbished and, rather than get rid of the rubbish properly, they've just left it here.
Elsewhere, Frank tries to help Megan raise the cash to pay her legal fees, although their plan to hold an event at Home Farm hits a stumbling block when Kim makes it clear she'd rather see Megan suffer.
The event, organised by the Scottish Organic Producers Association (Sopa) in conjunction with Organic Farmers & Growers (OF&G), takes place at the estate's Home Farm on June 7.
START the 1.8-mile walk at Speke Hall in Liverpool from Home Farm Courtyard.
Swansea Council wants to build 42 properties at Home Farm, which is accessed off Sketty Lane.
British Showjumping has bought Home Farm, Hothorpe in Leicestershire with plans for it to become the national training centre for the sport.