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1. With a great weight or burden: heavily laden.
2. Very slowly and with difficulty; laboriously: walking heavily through the snow.
3. Greatly or severely: heavily in debt.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈhɛv ə li)

1. with a great weight: heavily loaded.
2. ponderously; lumberingly: to walk heavily.
3. oppressively: Cares weigh heavily upon him.
4. severely; intensely: to suffer heavily.
5. densely; thickly: heavily wooded.
6. in large amounts: to rain heavily.
7. without animation or vigor; in a dull manner; sluggishly.
[before 900]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.heavily - to a considerable degree; "he relied heavily on others' data"
2.heavily - in a heavy-footed manner; "he walked heavily up the three flights to his room"
3.heavily - with great force; "she hit her arm heavily against the wall"
4.heavily - in a manner designed for heavy duty; "a heavily constructed car"; "heavily armed"
5.heavily - slowly as if burdened by much weight; "time hung heavy on their hands"
6.heavily - in a labored manner; "he breathed heavily"
7.heavily - indulging excessively; "he drank heavily"
lightly - indulging with temperance; "we eat lightly in the morning"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. excessively, to excess, very much, a great deal, frequently, considerably, copiously, without restraint, immoderately, intemperately Her husband drank heavily and beat her.
2. densely, closely, thickly, compactly They can be found in grassy and heavily wooded areas.
3. with difficulty, laboriously, slowly, painfully, sluggishly She was breathing heavily with an occasional gasp for air.
4. hard, clumsily, awkwardly, weightily A man stumbled heavily against the car.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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[ˈhevɪlɪ] ADV
1. (= very much) [rain, bleed, sweat] → mucho; [drink, smoke] → mucho, en exceso; [criticize] → duramente; [depend, rely] → en gran medida; [biased, laden] → muy
the dangers of drinking or smoking heavilylos peligros de beber o fumar mucho or en exceso
she drinks heavily/more heavily when she's depressedbebe mucho/mucho más cuando está deprimida
he spoke in heavily accented Englishhablaba inglés con un acento muy fuerte
he had to borrow heavilytuvo que pedir grandes cantidades de or mucho dinero prestado
to be heavily in debttener muchísimas deudas, estar muy endeudado
to be heavily defeated (in election, war) → sufrir una derrota aplastante
the book draws heavily on Marxismel libro se inspira en gran medida en las teorías marxistas
he was fined heavily by the Football Associationla Asociación de Fútbol le puso una multa muy severa
to be heavily influenced by sb/sthestar muy influido por algn/algo
he's heavily into jazz/footballle ha dado fuerte por el jazz/el fútbol
he's heavily into drugsestá muy metido en las drogas
he invested heavily in commoditiesinvirtió grandes cantidades de dinero or invirtió mucho en materias primas
to be heavily involved in or with sthestar muy metido en algo
to lose heavily (gambling) → perder grandes cantidades de dinero, perder muchísimo dinero; (in election, vote, match) → sufrir una derrota aplastante
she was heavily made upllevaba muchísimo maquillaje
a heavily populated areauna zona densamente poblada
she was heavily pregnantle quedaba poco para dar a luz, se encontraba en avanzado estado de gestación (frm)
heavily scentedcon un fuerte olor
heavily spicedcon muchas especias, muy condimentado
each word was heavily underlinedcada palabra estaba subrayada con trazo grueso
to be heavily weighted against sb/in sb's favourdesfavorecer/favorecer en gran medida a algn
2. (= well, strongly) [armed] → fuertemente; [guarded, fortified] → muy bien
3. (= deeply) [sleep] → profundamente
to breathe heavily (from exertion) → resoplar, jadear
he breathed heavily as he sleptrespiraba muy fuerte mientras dormía
his face was heavily linedsu cara estaba muy marcada de arrugas
Bernard sighed heavilyBernard exhaló un profundo suspiro
4. (= weightily) [tread] → con paso pesado; [move, walk] → pesadamente; [say] → con gran pesar
he sat down heavily in his chairse desplomó en la silla
he fell heavily and twisted his armtuvo una mala caída y se torció el brazo
heavily builtcorpulento, fornido
it weighs heavily on him (fig) → le pesa mucho
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈhɛvɪli] adv
[loaded] → lourdement
The car was heavily loaded → La voiture était lourdement chargée.
[drink, smoke] → beaucoup
He drinks heavily → Il boit beaucoup.
[sleep, sigh] → profondément
[fall] → lourdement
(= very much) [rain] → à verse; [criticize] → vivement
to rely heavily on sb/sth → compter fortement sur qn/qch
[guarded] → fortement
heavily armed → lourdement armé(e)
heavily sedated → sous l'effet de fortes doses de calmants
to be heavily sedated → être sous l'effet de fortes doses de calmants
to be heavily made up → être très maquillé(e)
heavily pregnant → en fin de grossesse
to be heavily built → être solidement bâti(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= a lot)stark; populated, woodeddicht; armed, fortifiedschwer; guardedstreng; heavily underlined (word, passage)dick unterstrichen; heavily accented (English, German etc)mit starkem Akzent; to borrow heavilyhohe Kredite aufnehmen; (fig)viele Anleihen machen (from bei); to gamble heavilyein leidenschaftlicher Spieler sein; to gamble heavily on somethingviel Geld auf etw (acc)wetten; (fig)sehr auf etw (acc)bauen; his face was heavily bruisedsein Gesicht war voller blauer Flecken; their feet are heavily bandagedihre Füße sind dick verbunden; heavily disguised (lit, fig)völlig unkenntlich gemacht; to lose heavily (in gambling, sport, election) → hoch verlieren; to be heavily reliant on somebody/somethingstark auf jdn/etw angewiesen sein; to depend or rely heavily on somebody/somethingstark von jdm/etw abhängen; to draw heavily on somethingsich zum großen Teil auf etw (acc)stützen; to be heavily involved in or with somethingsehr viel mit etw zu tun haben; to be heavily involved in a party/movementin einer Partei/Bewegung stark engagiert sein; to be heavily into something (inf)voll auf etw (acc)abfahren (inf); to be heavily in debtstark verschuldet sein; to be heavily weighted in somebody’s favour (Brit) or favor (US) /against somebodyjdn stark begünstigen/benachteiligen; to be heavily finedzu einer hohen Geldstrafe verurteilt werden; to be heavily outnumberedzahlenmäßig stark unterlegen sein; to be heavily defeatedeine schwere Niederlage erleiden; to be heavily bookedfast ganz ausgebucht sein; heavily pregnanthochschwanger
(= deeply) breatheschwer; sightief; pantstark
(lit) land, lean, fallschwer; (= clumsily) move, walkschwerfällig; heavily ladenschwer beladen; heavily builtkräftig gebaut; she sat down heavily on the bedsie setzte sich schwerfällig aufs Bett
(= slowly) sayschleppend
(= richly) carved, encrusted, embroidered, gildedreich
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈhɛvɪlɪ] adv (move) → con pesantezza; (tax) → fortemente; (rain, snow, gamble) → forte; (breathe) → con difficoltà; (sigh, sleep) → profondamente; (rely, drink, smoke, load) → molto
it weighs heavily on him → questo gli pesa molto
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈhevi) adjective
1. having great weight; difficult to lift or carry. a heavy parcel.
2. having a particular weight. I wonder how heavy our little baby is.
3. of very great amount, force etc. heavy rain; a heavy blow; The ship capsized in the heavy seas; heavy taxes.
4. doing something to a great extent. He's a heavy smoker/drinker.
5. dark and dull; looking or feeling stormy. a heavy sky/atmosphere.
6. difficult to read, do, understand etc. Books on philosophy are too heavy for me.
7. (of food) hard to digest. rather heavy pastry.
8. noisy and clumsy. heavy footsteps.
ˈheavily adverb
ˈheaviness noun
ˌheavy-ˈduty adjective
made to stand up to very hard wear or use. heavy-duty tyres.
heavy industry
industries such as coalmining, ship-building etc which involve the use of large or heavy machines or which produce large or heavy products.
ˈheavyweight adjective, noun
(a person) in the heaviest of the various classes into which competitors in certain sports (eg boxing, wrestling) are divided according to their weight. a heavyweight boxer.
heavy going
difficult to make any progress with. I found this book very heavy going.
a heavy heart
a feeling of sadness. He obeyed with a heavy heart.
make heavy weather of
to find surprising difficulty in doing. He said he'd finish the job in half an hour, but he's making rather heavy weather of it.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


كَثِير hustě tungt schwer βαριά pesadamente raskaasti lourdement obilno pesantemente 重く 무겁게 zwaar tungt ciężko severamente сильно tungt อย่างหนัก ağır bir şekilde nặng nề 沉重地
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
The wolf ran forward and jumped heavily over a gully that lay in her path.
But when war broke out, a heavily armed soldier mounted the Horse, and riding him to the charge, rushed into the very midst of the enemy.
He was wonderfully clever at concealing his deafness, and, as to carrying on heavily, though he was a fearless man, I don't think that he ever meant to take undue risks.
here he is!" he cried, bringing his big hand down heavily on his epaulet.
He leaned heavily upon his stick with both hands, holding it before him.
A throng of bearded men, in sad-coloured garments and grey steeple-crowned hats, inter-mixed with women, some wearing hoods, and others bareheaded, was assembled in front of a wooden edifice, the door of which was heavily timbered with oak, and studded with iron spikes.
She was fat, and walked heavily and clumsily across the floor.
"'Indeed I have heavily sinned against all noble guests assembled here, but most heavily against you my sovereign and my queen.
By the assistance of some rudely constructed machinery, the heavily laden basket was now carefully lowered down among the multitude; and, from the giddy pinnacle, the Romans were seen gathering confusedly round it; but owing to the vast height and the prevalence of a fog, no distinct view of their operations could be obtained.
As the darkness came on, the rain fell again heavily; and the heavens were black.
The spear of Agamemnon caught him on the broad of his back, just as he was turning in flight; it struck him between the shoulders and went right through his chest, and his armour rang rattling round him as he fell heavily to the ground.
Look at the sailor, called the mincer, who now comes along, and assisted by two allies, heavily backs the grandissimus, as the mariners call it, and with bowed shoulders, staggers off with it as if he were a grenadier carrying a dead comrade from the field.