heavy artillery

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heavy artillery

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in classic literature ?
It is a dead secret, a Drury Lane child's romance; but what an amount of heavy artillery will be brought to bear against it in this sad London of ours.
If a train of heavy artillery could have come up and commenced ball practice outside the window, it would have been all the same to him.
He was nothing more than a sort of a mountain howitzer, likely, because they had no heavy artillery in those days.
The cheap prices of its commodities are the heavy artillery with which it batters down all Chinese walls, with which it forces the barbarians' intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate.
At the same time, the Syrian Arab Army is aiding the Russian Air Force by launching heavy artillery and missile strikes on the terrorist group's positions near the city of Al-Mayadeen.
The Arabic-language service of Sputnik reported that the Syrian army, supported by heavy artillery and missile fire and air force, attacked Tahrir al-Sham's positions in the town of al-Qassabiyeh in Southern Idlib from the Northern parts of the town of Kafar Naboudeh, taking back control of the town after heavy clashes.
LANDI KOTAL -- The Pakistani border security forces targeted militant positions with heavy artillery after a border post came under attack from across the Afghan border late on Monday.
In a statement, Sarie affirmed the fighter jets waged 21 strikes in conjunction with heavy artillery shelling and infiltration attempts by mercenaries especially in the western coast.
The Bosnian Army used heavy artillery to repeatedly shell Kalinovik on Drekovic's orders in May and June 1995, the prosecution said.
Wu Kuan-hui, a female artillery officer, told CNA that this was her third heavy artillery drill, and she had followed her two brothers into the armed forces.
Since earlier this year, infighting has raged between terrorist organizations in Idleb city and countryside and parts of Aleppo countryside with different kinds of weapons including heavy artillery, car bombs and rocket launchers, not to mention assassinations on both sides that have left scores of terrorists and civilians dead.