beauty strip

beauty strip

A narrow section of forested land, as along a highway or watercourse, that is left uncut so as to hide a heavily logged area from view.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Our Democratic senators have traded our forests for a beauty strip.
When I wrote my article, I was unaware of Holnam's plans for a "buffer area," or beauty strip, to conceal the ugliness of their quarrying operations.
Six rows of rivets, 3/4 to I inch apart, make the splice, sandwiching between them a J-shaped longeron, a doubler, some sealant, the outer skins, and a "beauty strip," which covers the gap between adjacent panels.
The Lands Council, a group that opposes clear-cutting in national forests, passes out a brochure to travelers at Washington's Spokane International Airport titled Above the Beauty Strip: Your Aerial Guide to the Forests and Clear-cuts of the Northwest.
Beyond the beauty strip: Saving what's left of our forests.
This book is quite unlike other recent forestry books being used by activists in the Maritimes, which come out of actual involvement on the ground, such as Maine-based Mitch Lansky's Beyond the Beauty Strip: Saving What's Left of Our Forests; or BC-based Herb Hammond's Seeing The Forest Among the Trees: The Case for Wholistic Forest Use; or the pamphlet The Forests of Newfoundland: An Alternative View, by the Humber Environment Action Group Forest Committee; and the recent Clearcut: The Tragedy of Industrial Forestry with its essays by activists and pictures of clearcuts from Canada and the US which touch the soul.
Mitch Lansky, author of the 1992 book Beyond the Beauty Strip: Saving What's Left of Our Forests, writes on the "myths of the benign industrial clearcut." Jim Cooperman (editor of the British Columbia Environment Report) and Colleen McCrory (chair of the Valhalla Wilderness Society) report on the cutting-down of Canada.
Despite its flaws, Beyond the Beauty Strip is a polemic that can't be ignored.
The Maine Woods by Henry David Thoreau (Penguin Books, 1988); Allagash: Maine's Wild and Scenic River by Dean Bennett (Down East Books, 1994); Nine Mile Bridge by Helen Hamlin (Down East Books, 1973); and Beyond the Beauty Strip by Mitch Lansky (Tilbury House, 1992).
has combined candy and skin care in a product it calls Pure Beauty Strips. The three candy-flavor strips in the line are formulated with either collagen, ceramide or hyaluronic acid to promote healthy skin.
Nutrient-charged jellybeans and flavored beauty strips that deliver vitamins and skin-enhancing ingredients were all displayed.
But now fans will be able to see a whole lot more of model Marie Cairnduff as the Scots beauty strips off for a sexy photoshoot.