heavy breather

heavy breather

1. a person who breathes stertorously or with difficulty
2. an anonymous telephone caller who imitates such sounds, as being suggestive of sexual excitement
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This combines with a Darth Vader-style "Heavy Breather" performance intake and a two-into-two exhaust to produce 115ft lbs of torque at 3,500rpm.
"What are you, a heavy breather?" I yell into the mouthpiece before dashing the cordless phone to the floor in fury at the silent caller.
Honestly, I'm praying for a heavy breather just to break it up.
The effect must have been that of a heavy breather because just after I start the next record I get a phone call from a concerned listener wondering if Hannibal Lecter has replaced me.
"From day one he's been a heavy breather but it doesn't seem to affect him."
'Heavy breather,' her mother said, then, 'ready for the film?'
If you put me in a commentary box I would sound like a heavy breather. Phone them and croak that I won't be back as I lie in a bath and gargle with TCP, hoping my voice will return for tonight's fun and frivolity.
He didn't introduce himself, there were long pauses in his sales pitch (I thought that I had a heavy breather on the line) and, with the greatest respect, I could hardly understand his accent.
Paul's heavy breather in the bracken with a housemaid almost landed him in big trouble.
Nowhere in this film do we see why this cute little tyke is destined to become cinema's most famous heavy breather.
It doesn't take much - a phone call in the middle of the night from a heavy breather as it happens - to send her into a flat spin.