heavily traveled

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Adj.1.heavily traveled - subject to much traffic or travel; "the region's most heavily traveled highways"
traveled - traveled over or through; sometimes used as a combining term
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References in periodicals archive ?
Department of Transportation National Bridge Inventory database finds good news and bad news when it comes to the most heavily traveled U.S.
Situated at the intersection of heavily traveled US 1 & 9 and NJ 35 and served by the New Jersey Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway, St.
A heavily traveled thoroughfare may need to be widened to accommodate more lanes of traffic.
Miller says that health problems related to pollution from heavily traveled border crossings are acute in Mexico because most crossings are located in thickly populated areas.
The Widow Mary Leavitt House is less than an hour from two major airports and is situated conveniently off Interstate 95--a heavily traveled corridor along the East Coast.
At the more heavily traveled crossings, teams have carded as many as 600 of the wriggling little creatures in a single night.
Sunbeam ships products over the most heavily traveled roads in Mercosur--from Brazil to Argentina.