young lady

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young lady

a girlfriend; sweetheart
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.young lady - a young womanyoung lady - a young woman; "a young lady of 18"
babe, sister, baby - (slang) sometimes used as a term of address for attractive young women
belle - a young woman who is the most charming and beautiful of several rivals; "she was the belle of the ball"
bimbo - a young woman indulged by rich and powerful older men
chachka, tchotchke, tchotchkeleh, tsatske, tshatshke - (Yiddish) an attractive, unconventional woman
chit - a dismissive term for a girl who is immature or who lacks respect; "she was incensed that this chit of a girl should dare to make a fool of her in front of the class"; "she's a saucy chit"
colleen - an Irish girl
dame, wench, doll, chick, bird, skirt - informal terms for a (young) woman
flapper - a young woman in the 1920s who flaunted her unconventional conduct and dress
gal - alliterative term for girl (or woman)
gamine - a girl of impish appeal
Gibson girl - the idealized American girl of the 1890s as pictured by C. D. Gibson
jeune fille, lass, lassie, young girl - a girl or young woman who is unmarried
maiden, maid - an unmarried girl (especially a virgin)
May queen, queen of the May - the girl chosen queen of a May Day festival
mill-girl - a girl who works in a mill
party girl - an attractive young woman hired to attend parties and entertain men
peri - a beautiful and graceful girl
ring girl - a young woman who holds up cards indicating the number of the next round at prize fights
rosebud - (a literary reference to) a pretty young girl
sex bomb, sex kitten, sexpot - a young woman who is thought to have sex appeal
shop girl - a young female shop assistant
soubrette - a pert or flirtatious young girl
sweater girl - a girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters
hoyden, tomboy, romp - a girl who behaves in a boyish manner
valley girl - a girl who grew up in the tract housing in the San Fernando Valley
adult female, woman - an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted"
working girl - a young woman who is employed
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
"SIR -- Your clerk informs me that the parties interested in our inquiry after the missing young lady are anxious for news of the same.
'It was sheer Insolence in you, I tell you,' said Mr Boffin, 'even to think of this young lady. This young lady was far above YOU.
In fact, Miss Knag had conceived an incipient affection for Kate Nickleby, after witnessing her failure that morning, and this short conversation with her superior increased the favourable prepossession to a most surprising extent; which was the more remarkable, as when she first scanned that young lady's face and figure, she had entertained certain inward misgivings that they would never agree.
The hour had not struck two minutes, when a young lady, accompanied by a grey-haired gentleman, alighted from a hackney-carriage within a short distance of the bridge, and, having dismissed the vehicle, walked straight towards it.
"When I speak of success, I speak of success with the young lady; and when I speak of causes and reasons to make success probable, I speak of causes and reasons that will tell as such with the young lady.
MADAM,--After her six years' residence at the Mall, I have the honour and happiness of presenting Miss Amelia Sedley to her parents, as a young lady not unworthy to occupy a fitting position in their polished and refined circle.
It so happened that his road one day led through a thick wood, at the end of which was a large castle in a green meadow, and at one of the windows stood an old woman with a very beautiful young lady by her side looking about them.
'You have seen me once before, young lady,' said Rachael, standing in front of Louisa.
The interest manifested by the master--I beg his pardon, the boss of the store--and the agitation among the clerks, very plainly proved that much was expected from the visit of this young lady, who was addressed, with a certain air of shop-familiarity, as Miss Halfacre--a familiarity that showed she was an habituee of the place, and considered a good customer.
Before she could stoop to pick it up, one young lady of about fifteen or sixteen, who had been standing a little apart from the others, as though she had no recognised place among them, sprang forward and put it in her hand.
But though he was so entirely free from that mixed passion, of which we there treated, and of which the virtues and beauty of Sophia formed so notable an object; yet was he altogether as well furnished with some other passions, that promised themselves very full gratification in the young lady's fortune.
But listless as he lounges there, rather baffled on the aesthetic question, and guilty of the damning fault (as we have lately discovered it to be) of confounding the merit of the artist with that of his work (for he admires the squinting Madonna of the young lady with the boyish coiffure, because he thinks the young lady herself uncommonly taking), he is a sufficiently promising acquaintance.

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