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Related to tshatshke: chachka, Chachke
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.tshatshke - (Yiddish) an attractive, unconventional woman
Yiddish - a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken in Europe as a vernacular by many Jews; written in the Hebrew script
fille, girl, miss, missy, young lady, young woman - a young woman; "a young lady of 18"
2.tshatshke - (Yiddish) an inexpensive showy trinket
collectable, collectible - things considered to be worth collecting (not necessarily valuable or antique)
Yiddish - a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken in Europe as a vernacular by many Jews; written in the Hebrew script
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Shmuel Yosef Agnon (1888-1970) first saw light as Shmuel Yosef Tshatshkes in Butshatsh, a substantial shtetl in Galicia, then in the Austro-Hungarian Empire but formerly southern Poland.
Only very few of them would, like the older, wiser Shmuel Yosef Tshatshkes, will themselves back to the land of their youthful disillusion.
"In the beginning all the world was America." All the world was an uncharted place, a blank slate, and since that beginning everyone's been filling it with tshatshkes, which we who come next receive and must do something with.