young offender institution

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young offender institution

(Law) (in Britain) a place where offenders aged 15 to 21 may be detained and given training, instruction, and work. Former names: borstal or youth custody centre
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References in periodicals archive ?
THREE teenagers have been sent to a young offender institution for interfering with evidence as police investigated the death of a man on a Newport street.
A spoke person for the Ministry of Justice said: "As with all deaths in custody there will be an investigation by the independent Prisons and Probation Ombudsman." Durham Constabulary were called out to the young offender institution near Bishop Auckland.
Jones, of Heol y Cae, Cefn Coed, admitted a further count of aggravating vehicle taking and was sent to a young offender institution for two years by Judge Richard Twomlow and disqualified from driving for two years.
A YOUNG offender institution has been labelled "unacceptably violent", with at least two fights every day.
IN 2008, the Aylesbury Young Offender Institution was rocked by scandal when a prison officer had a child with an inmate.
THE use of force in a young offender institution has increased almost 10-fold in just 17 months, inspectors said today.
Members of the Independent Monitoring Board praised the governing team and staff at the Castington young offender institution in Northumberland in their annual report.
TEENAGERS in the young offender institution at New Hall, near Flockton, have told about being put through an initiation ceremony by other inmates.
The functions and powers conferred on local authorities, including social services, to act did not cease 'merely because a child is in a young offender institution or other prison service establishment'.
Connor Haynes was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court to 16 months in a young offender institution after admitting blackmail after demanding money from his victim.

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