young fogey

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Related to young fogey: fogram, fogies, fogeys

young fogey

(Sociology) a young or fairly young person who adopts the conservative values of an older generation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Supermodel Naomi Campbell's mum Valerie says age shouldn't be a barrier to modelling If we say politicians can't have done anything even the slightest bit racy at university, the only politician you'd have is me Tory MP Jacob Rees Mogg reflects on his young fogey lifestyle You wouldn't want a film about the Who - there isn't a low enough rating Who frontman Roger Daltry rules out making a biopic about the group My body's been melted down to become Kim Kardashian's bottom TV presenter Anneka Rice discovers her Madame Tussauds waxwork has been recycled I hope I can set an example to some old people who've just given up.
Although Stamp no longer identified with many aspects of the gleeful reaction against modernism in the 1970s that had led to him being identified as a 'young fogey'- politically he had moved to the left in the intervening years and he thought most contemporary classical architecture feeble--he could never bring himself to accept a movement that he thought ideologically and intellectually false.
The good news is this Young Fogey has as much chance of winning the youth vote as Jacob Rees-Mogg.
TODAY'S QUOTES "I'm in the awkward position of being very privileged, but also incredibly patronising" - Actor Miles Jupp, who describes himself as a young fogey.
"I'm in the awkward position of being very privileged, but also incredibly patronising" Actor Miles Jupp, who describes himself as a young fogey "I personally can't see a role for our monarchy in Britain apart from them reinforcing the notion that we're a theme park.
Christopher Morley Jazz Dean Street Nights Scott Hamilton Quartet THE US saxophonist sounded a bit like a young fogey when he emerged in the 1970s.
Resentful of being a "young fogey," he was by this point publishing articles as subversive as the work he was dissecting here.
But what if, as a young fogey, say 30 years ago, I'd had visionary gifts and had made predictions about the racing and breeding worlds of 2003?
Why-oh-why did the guy listen to whichever fool told him the electorate would fall at his feet if only he turned himself into a Becks clone in a young fogey's suit?
On a single day a few weeks back, I was able to catch Spike Lee attack the film biz and hear young fogey Jedediah Purdy discourse on the importance of being way too earnest.
Similarly, the "young fogey" image replete with waistcoat and bicycle clips suggested an old-fashioned respect for our forefathers' values, particularly consonant with Oxford (where he was educated and has taught) and a syndrome of dreaming spires and lost causes.
The "young fogey" is a cult star and fans use the slogan: "Cometh the hour, cometh the Mogg."
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