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(Economics) the creation, fixing, or conversion of a tariff
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EDITORIAL - Headed for extinction !-- -- (The Philippine Star) - September 4, 2019 - 12:00am From the start it was the principal concern in the rice tariffication law: opening the floodgates to rice importation would kill the country's rice farmers.
17, Dar bared that instead of the initial conditional cash transfer to help the rice farmers, DA would provide a PHP1.5-billion loan program for farmers, who were affected by the Rice Tariffication Law (RTL), that led to the influx of cheaper imports.
Rice farmers can now avail of a P15,000 loan assistance from government after the drop in local palay prices as an effect of the Rice Tariffication law.
Based on the foregoing arguments, the Agricultural Tariffication law was fast-tracked for all agricultural products, with the exception of rice.
"Every month, we review Train Law, so the Rice Tariffication Law needs to be reviewed as well to see if it is implemented properly,"
The Uruguay government notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) last Friday of its decision to withdraw its reservation for permitting Japan's rice import tariffication, and the global trade watchdog endorsed the decision.
Bringing down the price of rice by as much as P7 per kilo from a high of P35 to P45 was the selling point that paved the way for the immediate passage into law during the 17th Congress of the Rice Tariffication Law (RTL) in March this year.
Senator Francis Pangilinan on Tuesday called for the release of a P20 billion emergency cash assistance fund for farmers to be sourced from tariffs and unprogrammed funds under the Rice Tariffication Act.
Opposition Senator Leila de Lima said it was imperative that the Senate makes an in-depth assessment on the impact of the Rice Tariffication Law, during the early stages of its implementation, on the country's farmers and their families.
The Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), through the Bureau of Communications Service (BCS), stepped up its information drive on the controversial Rice Tariffication Law with an exhibit and discussion that kicked off at the municipal hall here Thursday.
WHILE one of the most important aspects of the Republic Act 1120-the opening of the domestic rice market to private traders-will already come into effect by March 5, a member of the House Committee on Economic Affairs on Sunday urged the government agencies to work double time and finish crafting the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the Rice Tariffication Act within the 45-day deadline.