tariff reform

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tariff reform

n (Econ) → Zolltarifreform f; (Hist) → Einführung fvon Schutzzöllen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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The tariff reform is continuing, meaning, there is a gradual lowering of tariff rates.
Tariff rates, tariff revenue, and tariff reform: some new facts.
Since the 1980s there have been four waves of tariff reform. In the now-ongoing fourth wave, there is an opportunity to move ahead with efficient cost-reflective tariffs because of the widespread deployment of smart meters.
The Conservative premier, Bonar Law, was ill and was replaced by Stanley Baldwin who felt he needed a mandate for Tariff Reform, which is uncannily similar to Brexit.
This work is linked with the wider issue of full-scale tariff reform across all consumer classes as advocated by the National Energy Strategy Study (NESS)," PAEW said in its latest annual report.
The tariff reform package was expected to simulate industrial production and investment.15
Transmission Tariff Reform Broadly Neutral: The power transmission and distribution tariff reforms piloted in several regions in China are likely to add more predictability and stability to the grid operator's cash flow, although the exact financial impact on the grid operators remains unclear in the near term.
Some Directors expressed disappointment over the delay in implementing the electricity tariff reform. In this regard, Directors welcomed the authorities' commitment to implement the reform as soon as possible or adopt compensatory fiscal measures.
Those reasons were not restricted to his opposition to tariff reform, and his change of party reflected a current of liberalism in his political outlook that was evident before he became an MP.
Not unlike the experiences of other newly democratised polities (see Milner and Kubota 2005), the ANC-led government soon embarked on an ambitious tariff reform path, but without any overarching industrial policy framework.