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(Russian ˈtɑkɔfskij)
(Biography) Andrei (ˈɑndrej). 1932–86, Soviet film director, whose films include Andrei Rublev (1966), Solaris (1971), Nostalgia (1983), and The Sacrifice (1986)
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Noun1.Tarkovsky - Russian filmmaker (1932-1986)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Maybe I need another viewing -- and the same is surely true of the year's two arthouse heavyweights, Tarkovsky's Stalker and Fassbinder's The Marriage of Maria Braun .
Focusing on the 1940s to the 1980s (then the golden age of European art cinema), his grand tour takes in Russia, Poland, France, Italy, Scandinavia, and Spain, and includes directors like Tarkovsky, Bresson, Fellini, Bunuel, and Bergman.
(That essay made me want to read more about its poet, Arseny Tarkovsky.)
Thus, "The Steppe Man",was the first Azerbaijani film to be awarded by Michelangelo Antonioni, Andrei Tarkovsky, Jean Luc Godard and Ingmar Bergman prizes.
Mirror (1974) by Andrei Tarkovsky will be screened on October 30 at 7pm.
THE REVENANT/TARKOVSKY COMPARISON: If you see the comparison trailer, you will say that Aljendro copied Tarkovsky because it is all about editing.
Long chapters are given over to Soviet filmmakers such as Andrei Tarkovsky, Larissa Shepitko, and Sergei Parajanov, as well as the German filmmaker Hans-Jurgen Syberberg.
Screencap from the film's trailer, March 26, 2018 --Youtube/kinolorber CAIRO -- 27 March 2018: Andrei Tarkovsky's final film, "The Sacrifice", will be screening at ADEF Deca on Tuesday.
As he suggests in the film's prologue: "For '24 Frames' I started with famous paintings but then switched to photos I had taken through the years." The camera initially surveys Bruegel's Hunters in the Snow, 1565, a painting that has inspired several directors, especially Andrei Tarkovsky, whose penchant for bare-branched trees Kiarostami indulges here.