tariff walls

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tariff walls

pl (Econ) → Zollschranken pl
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History shows the damage that was done to many companies across Africa during the liberalisation of African markets in the 1980s and 90s after years of surviving behind high tariff walls.
'Multinational companies in Pakistan generally operate behind high tariff walls, set up to attract them.
Thus we're told that only the raising of tariff walls soured certain "neoliberal" perspectives on fascism; that the Geneva School acquired its "global imaginary" from the ex-Nazi legal philosopher Carl Schmitt; that Hayek's conceptual distinction between law and legislation was "shared" with Schmitt (though Hayek was more apt to link this distinction to Enlightenment antecedents); and that certain selectively curated statements of Mises and Roepke evinced fascistic sympathies.
Second, special interests had built up behind the tariff walls during the Civil War.
The IMF programme initiated in 2013 engendered a further liberalisation of the trade regime, feeding the demand for imports through a lowering of import tariff walls.
A trade war brings high tariff walls to distort this reality.
Tariff walls serve no nation's ability to compete in the present global economy.
Britain has been holding up a trade deal between India - a country notoriously nervous of bilateral relationships, promoting domestic manufacturing behind high tariff walls - and the EU by opposing a more liberal immigration and visa regime sought by India and other Commonwealth countries.
If there is one common thing that characterizes the run-of-the-mill emerging market economy, it is its policymakers' distrust of free trade and their predilection for high tariff walls that might benefit the favored few.
But almost in the next breath, she implied that her country would be severing its links with the European Union in a manner that may well result in the construction of new tariff walls and will certainly require prolonged trade negotiations.
The tariff walls of the EU are ready to fall, as they did in Jericho.
Reduction in tariff rates during late 1980s and 1990s: Since 1988, Pakistan has been following a comprehensive reform program with a strong emphasis on competitive trade, decrease in tariff walls and opening up of the domestic market.