taro plant

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Related to taro plant: poi, Elephant ear plant
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.taro plant - herb of the Pacific islands grown throughout the tropics for its edible root and in temperate areas as an ornamental for its large glossy leavestaro plant - herb of the Pacific islands grown throughout the tropics for its edible root and in temperate areas as an ornamental for its large glossy leaves
edda, taro root, cocoyam, dasheen, taro - tropical starchy tuberous root
aroid, arum - any plant of the family Araceae; have small flowers massed on a spadix surrounded by a large spathe
Colocasia, genus Colocasia - small genus of perennial tuberous herbs of tropical Asia: taro
cocoyam, dasheen, eddo, taro - edible starchy tuberous root of taro plants
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References in periodicals archive ?
MAE'R Senedd yng Nghaerdydd ar hyn o bryd yn gwrando ar farn y bobl ynghylch taro plant.
Go down to the roti shop on Flatbush Avenue and pick me up some more dasheen bush (taro plant leaves from Southeast Asia)!" Winston journeys by subway to get the ingredients, but his journey takes a mysterious detour to Tobago, one of the Caribbean Islands.
The continent's leading trade show and conference event for the fresh fruit and vegetable business is gearing up to welcome the biggest gathering of the global produce trade in Asia to date.The ban on Indian mangoes two types of gourd eggplant and taro plant came into effect on 1 May after authorities in Brussels found Indian exports contaminated with fruit flies last year.
The prohibition, which goes into effect in May, covers mangoes, aubergines, the taro plant and two types of gourd.
Dwi'n gwybod yn iawn fod 'na Gymry Cymraeg yn Sweden hefyd a difyr fyddai cael gwybod be mae rhieni'r wlad yn ei feddwl o honiad diweddar seiciatrydd bod plant Sweden (y wlad gynta i wahardd taro plant nol yn 1979) wedi cael eu difetha'n rhacs.
Comics plant sydd dan sylw yr wythnos hon, ac mae''r rheini yn dal i berthyn i''r oes a fu lle mae taro plant dan sylw.
Time-course activity of peroxidase in taro plant infected with P.
Three species of taro plant hopper are present in Asia and the Pacific.
An early introduction to this process came when I was offered names for the parts of a taro plant, the most important staple food.