tariff barrier

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tariff barrier

nbarriera tariffaria
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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tariff barrier. "For each ton of organic sugar that I sell for $450, I pay a $355 tariff."
Chinese strawberry producers however could now face an EU anti-dumping duty instead, as an investigation into establishing this potentially permanent tariff barrier has been launched by the European Commission.
Iftikhar Ali Malik said that India's sensitive list protects wide range of textile and agricultural products that is hampering the interest of Pakistan side.For example,Pakistan has 10 per cent duty on import of rice whereas India has 80 per cent.He said currently Pakistani exporters are facing a number of non tariff barrier including non existence of trade related services,direct banking channels,direct shipping lines,delay in issuance of multiple visa,cumbersome inspection and clearance procedures and cargo handling facilities.
"We reject the use of climate as a non tariff barrier. We would like barriers to train in environmental goods and services to be removed.
He said smuggling is obstructing the legal trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan; therefore, this issue should be tackled through rationalizing and removing the tariff barriers.
He said smuggling was obstructing the legal trade between Pakistan and Afghanistan; therefore, this issue should be tackled through rationalisation of the tariff barriers.
I WAS under the impression we are leaving the EU, which removes tariff barriers between its members, negotiates free trade deals on behalf of all of them, and imposes a Common External Tariff on anyone it doesn't have a trade deal with, because a deal, even that under WTO rules, would altogether be better for us.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Hours after the G7 summit, US President Donald Trump is attacking Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau again for "false statements", and he is refusing to endorse the summit's communique that called for reducing tariff barriers.
I think you will see a pro- liferation of non-tariff barriers even as these tariff barriers come down, and you've seen that in previous trade arrangements," says Games.
I think you will see a proliferation of non-tariff barriers even as these tariff barriers come down, and you've seen that in previous trade arrangements," says Games.
Tariff barriers had disappeared on trade between member states during the 1960s.