smart alec

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smart alec

n, adj
a variant spelling of smart aleck
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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smart alec

smart arse (Informal)
1. know-all (informal), wise guy (informal), clever-clogs (informal), clever Dick (informal), smarty pants (informal), smartarse (slang), smarty boots (informal) Don't be such a smart alec. All right then, if you're such a smart arse, have you got any better ideas?
1. cocky, arrogant, conceited, brash, swaggering, egotistical, cocksure, overconfident, swollen-headed, full of yourself a fortyish smart-alec TV reporter I can do without your smart-arse comments, thank you.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
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Or maybe not policemen are not known for their tolerance of wisecracking smart alecs. Just explain calmly what the law says and if they want to escalate the issue, ask them to write you a charge sheet and provide their force number for further recourse.
That day is here so soon for the Smart Alecs of the South West after the lovey-dovey romance of the last elections.
Smart Alecs are in their element (but strangely without proof in the form of betting slips) when Richard Hannon's Billesdon Brook springs a 66-1 stunner under Sean Levey in the 1000.
While some of the smart Alecs who deposited several crores in their banks may have tapped the services of chartered accountants to pay tax on them, Jaitley does not give the total extra money that has accrued to the exchequer by the extra tax compliance recorded.
To think there some smart alecs who, after as enthralling a two weeks of football as you could wish for, want to rip up the blueprint that has produced such entertainment.
To think, there some smart alecs who, after as an enthralling two weeks of football as you could wish for, want to rip up the blueprint that has produced such entertainment.
Fundamentally it all boils down to, is it better the devil you know with an Ashley or a brave new world without smart alecs?
(The smart alecs will comment that I probably could not find Jimmy Hoffa in the shop, but that's a vicious lie.
The joke smart alecs like to make about Facebook to show how uninvested they are - "How else would I know what my friends had for breakfast?" - actually applies to Instagram.
ABDUL OSMAN has heard the smart Alecs bill today's trip to Hamilton as a relegation battle on the opening day of the season - but the new Partick Thistle skipper insists his sights are set much higher.
WHITE HORSE BURGERS all served in a toasted bun with fat cut chips & coleslaw" No doubt waiters at the White Horse are bridling at smart Alecs asking if this comes under Starter's orders or is running on the Main course.
Indeed, on every internet message board, you'll find nasty, negative comments from smart alecs who think they know it all, but whose only contribution to society is ...