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Adj.1.small-winged - having small wings
winged - having wings or as if having wings of a specified kind; "the winged feet of Mercury";
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References in classic literature ?
Violet and Peony stood laughing at this pretty sight; for they enjoyed the merry time which their new playmate was having with these small-winged visitants, almost as much as if they themselves took part in it.
For example, wing loading for the relatively small-winged Mitsubishi MU-2 (weight: 11,575 lbs, wing surface area: 178 f[t.sup.2], power: 1552 shaft horsepower [ship]) is 55 percent greater than for the Beech King Air B100 at roughly the same weight (11,800 lbs, wing surface area: 279.7 fe, power: 1,430 shp).