smart alec

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smart alec

n, adj
a variant spelling of smart aleck
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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smart alec

smart arse (Informal)
1. know-all (informal), wise guy (informal), clever-clogs (informal), clever Dick (informal), smarty pants (informal), smartarse (slang), smarty boots (informal) Don't be such a smart alec. All right then, if you're such a smart arse, have you got any better ideas?
1. cocky, arrogant, conceited, brash, swaggering, egotistical, cocksure, overconfident, swollen-headed, full of yourself a fortyish smart-alec TV reporter I can do without your smart-arse comments, thank you.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
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The truth is, you can be sure that there is a burning ambition which the Smart Alec is nurturing, which would be unachievable in the PDP.
Fundamentally it all boils down to, is it better the devil you know with an Ashley or a brave new world without smart alecs?
John let Smart Alec sit there on his desk in his study, and at one in the morning he heard it speak to him in his mind.
Talk about yourself, smart alec," the Speaker said and turned off the microphone for the parliamentarian.
But some smart Alec will tell you that it's made of paper so technically it does.
MICK McCarthy insists he's no Smart Alec by saying he has "no idea" how his Wolves team will fare this season.
Twenty minutes' free parking is advertised, trying to explain this to the 'smart Alec' at the departure gate was a joke, regardless of the minimal 200 fils charge.
A string of lights is the same as two bulbs smart Alec takes pleasure in telling me.
He said: "I was a bit of a smart Alec at school - always coming out with funny comments.
Dutton reportedly replied: "Well, I'm the head of planning, so, no." The smart alec comment has not impressed committee members, who already feel they are in danger of being railroaded by the council leadership into approving controversial applications such as the Edgbaston cricket ground expansion.
He said a lot of "smart alec lawyers" were now persuading union members in other parts of the country to sue their own unions if the unions didn't bring equal pay claims.