
Also found in: Idioms.


a US word for smartarse
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The answer to B is also simple: Stop being such a smartass and just enjoy the game.
"She's so sassy, she's such a smartass, she won't take [expletive] from anyone, and the comic books do an amazing job at capturing that voice, and it was important that the entire Captain Marvel creative team [kept to that]."
His work has sold for millions of dollars, and he has been called everything from 'the great post-Duchampian', to an 'art world prankster', 'joker', and 'smartass'.
But there is solace in the fact that at the end of each episode's 40- minute run, Team Castle has all the answers, the guilty person been kicked into jail with a dash of smartass dialogue, and the family of the murdered given a chance at closure.
I take a lot of heat for that, but as I asked one basher, "What time can my reporters come to your store for free stuff?" He called me a smartass and hung up.
Washington, June 28 (ANI): US Vice President Joe Biden has called the manager of a custard shop a "smartass" after the man asked him to lower taxes.
Among toon fare, Xilam unveiled short-format "Mr Baby," about a toddler who talks like a 50-year-old smartass; and, most memorably, first episode excerpts from the big-budget "Rahan," a thuddingly scored comedic fantasy-adventure series set in 35,000 B.C.
This lady makes smartass dance music with downtown attitude to spare--kind of like Madonna back when she was still having fun.
When I called him a "smartass" and pointed out that I was stationary having been forced off the road, he actually snorted and said "Ha" - suggesting I was lying.
By this point, I had spent long hours in fruitless pursuit of him, my humiliation capped by the realization that my life now mirrored that of a character in a favorite movie I'd watched dozens of times as a smartass teenager: I had become Carl Spackler, the muttering groundskeeper of Caddyshack, played by Bill Murray, who ultimately turns to plastic explosives in an apocalyptic struggle to save his fairways
To give Andersen his due, Los Angeles Plays Itself is a personal essay, and despite something mushy in its structure and unassuageably smartass in its tone, it's at least quite watchable and lights up now and then with moments honorably impassioned on behalf of a city the director loves, the inexorable ruin of which he resents and mourns.
She was actually hosting Nobody Likes A Smartass, a quiz so flawed even Fash couldn't fix it.