smart drink

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smart drink

Any of various nonalcoholic, usually fruit-based drinks typically containing vitamins and amino acids in a formula reputed to enhance mental functioning.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Still, these are subtle effects, and there is no evidence that any prescription drug or supplement or smart drink is going to raise your IQ.
Other products packed include Danao, a yoghurt based drink, Fresh Cream, Sour Cream, Smart Drink, Clover Nectar and Clover Krush.
What do alcohol, the divine right of kings, TV dinners, the Walkman, smart drinks, and the iPhone have in common?
So here's how to choose smart drinks to power up your day.
Louis last fall, locals wondered whether guests would be willing to ante up a $15 monthly fee for access to smart drinks and a swanky, genteel environment.
can be directly linked to the mid-'90s Raver scene where "Smart Drinks" emerged.
Americans spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on ginseng in pills, tinctures, teas, chewing gum, snack chips, and "smart drinks."
These "smart drugs" can be ordered by mail or bought in health-food stores in powdered form; they're also sold in "smart bars" as "smart drinks" at $5 to $6 a glass.
Halal Cola Halal carbonated drink Smart Drinks BVI (Germany)
Do the nutrients in so-called "smart drinks" improve your memory, give you energy, or satisfy your appetite?