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Related to palaeography: Codicology


1. (Historical Terms) the study of the handwritings of the past, and often the manuscripts as well, so that they may be dated, read, etc, and may serve as historical and literary sources
2. (Historical Terms) a handwriting of the past
palaeˈographer n
palaeographic, ˌpalaeoˈgraphical adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

paleography, palaeography

1. ancient forms of writing, as in inscriptions, documents, and manuscripts.
2. the study of ancient writings, including decipherment, translation, and determination of age and date. — paleographer, palaeographer, n.paleographic, palaeographic, adj.
See also: Writing
1. ancient forms of writing, as in inscriptions, documents, and manuscripts.
2. the study of ancient writings, including decipherment, translation, and determination of age and date. — paleographer, palaeographer, n. — paleographic, palaeographic, adj.
See also: Literature
the study of ancient writings, including inscriptions. — paleographer, palaeographer, n.paleographic, palaeographic, adj. papyrology the study of ancient writings on papyrus. — papyrologist, n.
See also: Antiquity
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


[ˌpælɪˈɒgrəfɪ] Npaleografía f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
The author's commitment to a year of intensive training in learning Old Dutch and palaeography is commendable, as it enabled her to read and understand the voluminous source materials, which include indigenous manuscripts, VOC documents and documents written by European travellers of the time.
He covers the historiography of the continuations; Ekkehard of Aura: historiography and biography; palaeography: the hands of the J continuation and C; the manuscripts and textual tradition of the continuations; and the sources, style, and outlook of the continuations.
Four new courses that are Archaeology; Palaeography, Epigraphy and Numismatics; Structural Conservation andEe Cultural and Heritage Management,Ee are expected to be commenced.
Dollar Academy will continue its commemorations on Friday evening in the Gibson Auditorium with a lecture from Professor Ewen Cameron, the Sir William Fraser Professor of Scottish History and Palaeography and Head of School at the University of Edinburgh.
Among their primary stated goals were the integration of current developments in palaeography, diplomatics, and codicology, and the bridging of the gap between the 'auxiliary sciences of history' (back cover) and the field of communication studies.
For Moriggi, "analyzing the palaeography of Syriac bowls is crucial for research on both the incantation bowls themselves and the wider issue [of] Syriac palaeography" (p.
He has lived and breathed palaeography since discovering as a teenage New Zealander the 'modest but absolutely real medieval manuscripts' of Dunedin Public Library, going on to spend 25 years in the Western Manuscripts Department at Sotheby's, before becoming the custodian of the enviable collection at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge.
Breatnach's the Four Masters and Their Manuscripts: Studies in Palaeography and Text (Dublin, 2013), which emphasizes the importance of close study of the work of individual scribes, while the proceedings of two conferences on Lebor na hUidre and the Book of Ballymote respectively are due for publication by the Royal Irish Academy, edited by Ruairi O hUiginn.
"We have children who are eight to 10 years old who don't even know how to hold a pen or write their name in their language," says Syrian Luaay Koman Al Babille, a former student of palaeography in Aleppo, who initiated the education efforts at the camp.
The areas studied will be modern scientific temper contained in both the traditions, especially in the disciplines of comparative religion, mythology, epigraphy, palaeography, astronomy, meteorology, environment science linguistics and history.