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(Physical Geography) geography the study of ancient lake ecologies
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Combining monitoring, models and palaeolimnology to assess ecosystem response to environmental change at monthly to millennial timescales: the stability of Blue Lake, North Stradbroke Island, Australia.
The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeolimnology and Biodiversity, E.
Ramadan, Abu-Zied Ostracods and the Holocene palaeolimnology of Lake Qarun, with special reference to past human-environment interactions in the Faiyum (Egypt)
Research on the composition of benthic macroinvertebrate populations, especially those of dipteran larvae and micro-crustaceans, has long been used as an investigative tool in Palaeoecology and Palaeolimnology, since micro-fossil remains such as the head capsules of the larvae are preserved in the sediment and can be used as indicators of past climatic and lake physical and chemical conditions (Walker, 1987; Prat and Rieradevall, 1995; Massaferro et al., 2005; Verschuren and Eggermont, 2006).
An essential issue in palaeolimnology is understanding the key events in the history of lake ecosystems and, on this basis, generating ideas for lake restoration.
The recent palaeolimnology of Lake Nicholls, Mount Field National Park, Tasmania.
Temporal scale, phytoplankton ecology and palaeolimnology. Freshwater Biology 34:367-378.
A comparison of the palaeolimnology of Peipsi and Vortsjarv: connected shallow lakes in north-eastern Europe for the twentieth century, especially in relation to eutrophication progression and water-level fluctuations.
The occurrence of a number of distinct climatic oscillations in Europe and their impact on lake levels has been widely studied in palaeolimnology (Digerfeldt 1986; Almquist-Jacobson 1995; Yu & Harrison 1995; Dearing 1997; Magny et al.
Lake sediments and environmental history: Studies in Palaeolimnology and Palaeoecology in Honour of Winifred Tutin.