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(Geological Science) the study of the fossil magnetism in rocks, used to determine the past configurations of the continents and to investigate the past shape and magnitude of the earth's magnetic field
ˌpalaeomagˈnetic adj
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He said that they have reviewed these and combined them with the new figures from palaeomagnetism in order to expand upon the chronology of this level TD6 of the Gran Dolina and the fossils it contains.
The team dated the archaeological remains using palaeomagnetism, a technique that identifies the fossilized direction of the Earths magnetic field in sediments, the findings of which are published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science journal.
The sequence of kiln technology development at Si Satchanalai has been fairly well established through a combination of radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating, palaeomagnetism and stratigraphic analysis (Barbetti and Hein, 1989).
and Bidgood, D.E.T., 1959, Palaeomagnetism in some Norwegian Sparagmites and the Late pre-Cambrian Ice Age: Nature, v.
Herries dated the archaeological remains using palaeomagnetism, a technique that identifies the fossilised direction of the Earth's magnetic field in sediments.