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Related to palaeographer: Palaeography, Palæography, Latin paleography


[ˌpælɪˈɒgrəfə>ʳ] Npaleógrafo/a m/f
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Charlotte is the granddaughter of Elias Avery Lowe, a palaeographer, was a Russian Jewish immigrant to the US, and Helen Tracy Lowe-Porter, a translator of Thomas Mann.
(6.) His research projects include several bibliographical publications concerning Ecuadorian music history, and the significant rescue of 298 folios with polyphonic music in the Archdiocese of Ibarra in 1994, compiled and ordered previously (1991) by Jorge Isaac Cazorla, Ecuadorian researcher, writer, and palaeographer. This work was recently published as Villancicos, Romances y Chanzonetas: Archivo Historico de la Diocesis de Ibarra, Ecuador siglos XVIIy XVIII (Quito: Fundacion Filarmonica Casa de la Musica, 2018).
Valcea, publicist, translator, folklorist and palaeographer, Constantin Daniilescu also signed most of the articles that appeared inNaponalul Vdlcii (Daniilescu, 1928: 2-3).
Trained as a palaeographer, musicologist, and historian, he is able to provide meanings and contexts for the two manuscripts that are the subject of this book.
Coulson, has funded a scholarship in the memory of the world famous palaeographer Virginia Brown (1940-2009) to use at the University.
But despite Thomas's argument that Cervantes "did not mean Visigothic letters: he was no palaeographer [sic]," it could also be that Cervantes meant both things--the "obvious" capital letters as understood by his contemporaries, and the "letras goticas" of the Visigoths (416).
But the portrait of Eadwine has been the subject of study and curiosity since at least the late seventeenth century, when Humphrey Wanley, Anglo-Saxonist, palaeographer and librarian, made a careful pen copy for his so-called Book of Scripts, now at Longleat.
This research was inspired partly by the presence in Rome of the greatest palaeographer of that time, Angelo Cardinal Mai, whose work on palimpsests had brought to light previously unknown passages from the writings of over 350 authors, pre-eminently the De republica of Cicero.
Fortunately, Humphrey Wanley (1672-1726), "library-keeper" of the Harleian collection and competent palaeographer, compiled his own "Catalogue of the MSS.
As for the second, he has the eye for the minute details of a typeface, the visual gift that Albinia de la Mare also points out is essential to the palaeographer studying a written letter form.
He was a very great scholar and historian, an Islamicist by formation but also a Biblical expert and commentator, an editor of texts a palaeographer, an ethnologist whose fieldwork on the Jews of Yemen remain fundamental, a linguist, a medievalist and economic historian, a pedagogue, a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem from its inception, and, not least, a Hebrew poet and playwright.