Palaeolithic man

Palaeolithic man

(Palaeontology) any of various primitive types of man, such as Neanderthal man and Java man, who lived in the Palaeolithic
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Archaeologists have discovered that Palaeolithic Man (40,000 BC) would have hunted bear and rhino in the valley and brought their prey back to the caves to eat.
Archaeologists have discovered that Palaeolithic Man (40,000BC) would have hunted bear and rhino in the valley and brought their prey back to the caves to eat.
Upper Palaeolithic Man: Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects of the Investigation.
(25) In what becomes almost an essay on sexual frustration with monogamy, Wells describes morality as 'the padding of suggested emotions and habits, by which the round Palaeolithic man is fitted into the square hole of the civilized state' (p.
The fact that our species survived the first millennia of its existence shows that Palaeolithic man already boasted a fair measure of empirical knowledge regarding the workings of the systems, among which he lived or exploited.
We know that palaeolithic man used to leave his marks and trace signs on mud and sand, which he undoubtedly also did on the outside of the cave, just as many tribes do today.