looseleaf binder

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n.1.A type of notebook with hard covers attached to metal rings which open, allowing sheets of writing paper to be conveniently inserted into it and removed from it.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The material is presented in a looseleaf binder, to facilitate subsequent additions of supplements and updates.
The 468-page looseleaf binder with CD-ROM sells for $169 plus $8.50 shipping and handling and can be obtained by calling ALI-ABA at 800/CLE-NEWS or by visiting ali-aba.org/aliaba/BK19.htm.
Pointing the way toward an improved relationship with the Anglican aboriginal peoples of Canada, a looseleaf binder called "A New Agape" has been produced and about 1,000 copies have been distributed so far to diocesan synod offices, members of all General Synod committees and native parishes.
Note: George Lutjen, once publisher of the newsletter center at McGraw-Hill, explained to me years ago that "a hardcover book is much more satisfactory for the ego of the author, but for the pocketbook of the publisher printing the same information on hole-punched paper and putting it in a looseleaf binder and calling it a manual or a report is much more lucrative."
Each training program is bound in a 3-ring looseleaf binder and contains the following:
We also keep a large looseleaf binder that lists every team's game schedule within easy reach.
These two forms should be kept in a looseleaf binder (henceforth building binders), which has the extracts for all the tenants in the building arranged by space number.
Manufactures electronic heat-sealing dies and fixtures for the medical, advertising specialty, looseleaf binder, and handbag trades.
First, the information could be stuck on a sign or in a looseleaf binder. Second, it can (and you bet it will) omit the crucial % Daily Values.
Also, since the departing researcher will also want future access, it is wise to keep and assemble in a looseleaf binder personal carbon (or photo) copies of all notebook entries (although industrial scientists will usually not be permitted to do this).
In a single looseleaf binder, the Family and Medical Leave Handbook tracks and interprets the regulations and requirements necessary to comply with the law.
William Rogers' How to Cut Workers' Comp Costs: 115 Proven Ways is a handy looseleaf binder full of 115 ways to reduce the number of worker injuries and better manage claims.