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Adj.1.looseleaf - being or having leaves that can be easily removed or rearranged; "loose-leaf paper"; "a looseleaf notebook"
unbound - not secured within a cover; "an unbound book"
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References in periodicals archive ?
This distinctive blend of tea features a bold infusion of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and cloves, blended with looseleaf black tea and rooibos.
Council has approved the purchase of a supply of commercially made looseleaf binders which will each hold 12 copies of the Journal.
Many salad leaves, including looseleaf lettuces Lollo Rossa and Red Salad Bowl, mizuna, radicchio, rocket and many types of mustard, are designed to be picked young as needed, some regrowing from the stump left when the leaves are cut.
In "Bodies That Beat the Odds" (July) Victoria Looseleaf wrote, "Dancers with unconventional body types have struggled--physically and psychologically--in their quest to find places in a dance world that is ever more competitive." I have struggled mostly psychologically, and the weight issue was dictating my life.
"Leveraged Buyouts," to be published by Law Journal Press (New York) in October, is a two-volume, looseleaf set that is designed for lawyers who represent either buyers or sellers in LBO's.
This looseleaf publication is updated twice a year, and also as needed online.
Looseleaf lettuces are marketed as red or green leaf and are an umbrella term for a huge variety of lettuces, from the mundane to the exotic.
(New York), including nine monthly newsletters and six looseleaf products.
The looseleaf book is divided into six sections: Communicating Your Program, with templates for a gift book program, letters to parents and faculty members, book talk tips, and more; Program Administration, with a checklist of tasks, library equipment sign-out forms, and so on; Measuring the Impact of Our Programs, including assessment forms, a reading interest survey, and a curriculum map; Instructional Tools for Information Literacy, such as a Big 6 skills overview, a guide to the MLA bibliographic style, and a library scavenger hunt; Student Tools for Information Literacy, with a thesis project organizer, a research checklist, and more; and Presentations, on topics like online searching and plagiarism, which open into PowerPoint.
The 468-page looseleaf binder with CD-ROM sells for $169 plus $8.50 shipping and handling and can be obtained by calling ALI-ABA at 800/CLE-NEWS or by visiting ali-aba.org/aliaba/BK19.htm.
Grow looseleaf or cut and come-again varieties such as Salad Bowl, which is available with red or green leaves, for a successive crop of young leaves.