

careless or irresponsible in talking
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


given to gossiping.
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Hosts loved to detain the dry lawyer, when the light-hearted and loose-tongued had already their foot on the threshold; they liked to sit a while in his unobtrusive company, practising for solitude, sobering their minds in the man's rich silence after the expense and strain of gaiety.
At the Street Cars' Christmas party at the Bistro, Tim hits the bottle and becomes a bit loose-tongued about how he really feels.
The guest of honour was his Nakuru North counterpart, the bombastic and loose-tongued Kihika Kimani (father of Nakuru Senator Susan Kihika).
Jibran Bassil, Lebanese Foreign Minister and son-in-law of Maronite Christian President Michel Aoun, was loose-tongued enough to refer to the powerful Shiite Speaker of parliament and leader of the Amal movement as a "thug".
But given there was a distinct feeling of inevitability about his departure - in early June Lukaku had blurted out in one of his typically loose-tongued interviews with Belgian media that remaining at Everton was "not really an option" - just how did it come to pass that a suitable replacement was not acquired?
Trump has spiked the punch at the Protestant funeral lunch, and everyone is tipsy and loose-tongued enough to start telling the truth.
YOU'VE GOT TO LOVE CHRISTMAS ITV WALES, TOMORROW, 7PM WHETHER you love everything about Christmas Day and the run-up to it, or you thank the heavens that it's only once a year when you have to indulge that ageing loose-tongued relative who always drinks too much, the festive period leaves us with plenty to discuss every year.
TOMORROW You've Got to Love Christmas ITV Wales, 7pm WHETHER you love everything about Christmas Day and the run-up to it, or you thank the heavens that it's only once a year when you have to indulge that ageing loose-tongued relative who always drinks too much, the festive period leaves us with plenty to discuss every year.
And when Roy Hodgson stated, accurately, that Ashley Young had been left out of his England squad because of injury, Ferguson treated it as a loose-tongued revelation of state secrets.
There are suspicions one of the 23 players is in treatment is nursing a guilty conscience, and is behind the leak, although Lahm shifted the responsibility to the players' advisors who may have been informed of the selection via their loose-tongued clients.
To make it worse, the loose-tongued politician had the brass neck to blame ordinary folk for shelling out on high-priced property caused by his Government's policies.
Jonson, who "privileges the auditor or hearer over spectators, and the discerning reader over both" sought out the printed page as a source of authority for presenting truth in an age of rumor, gossip, and buzz generated by loose-tongued men as well as women (120).