loose associations

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loose as·so·ciations

n. disociación de ideas.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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In the year since Raul Castro handed the presidency to longtime party technocrat Miguel Daz-Canel in April 2018, churches, civil society groups and loose associations of like-minded acquaintances have been using the growing availability of internet in Cuba to organize for various causes, and the state has been ceding them a small degree of freedom to operate.
Many have noted a distinct decline in his outward ability to form complete sentences, to stay with a thought, to use complex words and not to make loose associations. This is dangerous because of the critical importance of decision-making capacity in the office that he holds.
They might center on modern or folk arts, take a region as their basis (and 'country' is included here), or be related through other similarly loose associations, such as texture, pattern, technique or color.
Loose associations and flight of ideas can be hard to assess in patients with language dysfluency.
In this, the entire exhibition runs counter to Gander's earlier photo-library--based projects such as the "Loose Associations" slide-show lectures, 2002--, wherein visual threads of logic are immediately apparent and conceptual connections, however far-fetched, are served up by the artist-lecturer.
Although the book is creative and lucid in its inquiry of identity and nationalism, some of its assertions pose problems in terms of chronological expectations (by interweaving works and texts of different periods without a forceful proposition) and disciplinary methodologies (by overanalyzing textual nuggets and establishing loose associations with theoretical texts).
WORCESTER - For a guy who has made a career out of fostering collaborative efforts and linking loose associations of artists and artisans, Matthew Feinstein is perhaps understandably uncomfortable about accepting an individual award.
If not Councils or Communions, would more loose Associations serve the cause?
Although there have been loose associations between the top restaurants in the past, Birmingham's pool of culinary expertise remains relatively untapped in terms of collective action.
Woodson opposes a return to conscription, and is also contemptuous of the neoconservative War Hawks, whom he describes as "certain loose associations of well-financed political friends who come to power from using the military in a mercenary manner....
This short book (the main text is 153 pages, including fourteen tables) is a study of the scholarly community of eleventh-century Baghdad, "a time when the fluid society of the 'learned', the 'ulama', began to emerge as a more defined and exclusive group." It sets for itself the following objective: "to define the link between the cultural and social practices involved in the process of the transmission of Islamic learning, and the construction of social bonds and identities in a historical time and a specific place." Ephrat poses a number of questions, fundamentally: "How were scholarly networks formed, and what were the bonds that made the loose associations of the 'ulama' stronger?
HSS joint general secretaryDhiraj Shah, of Birmingham, denied any formal links but admitted that it had 'loose associations' with the RSS and agreed it 'admired' the right-wing outfit.