Smart Board

(redirected from SMART Board interactive whiteboard)
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Smart Board

n (sometimes not caps)
(Computer Science) a brand of interactive whiteboard
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Gains in Self-Efficacy: Using SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard Technology in Special Education Classrooms.
It also features a SMART UX60 projector with remote control, a SMART Board interactive whiteboard, and a Modular Pen Tray.
The device easily integrates with Smart Notebook Software and the Smart Board interactive whiteboard for one-touch access and lesson creation, and connects with any computer via a USB cable.
A brief history of the SMART Board interactive whiteboard
"Touch Recognition builds on that legacy and makes the SMART Board interactive whiteboard even better."
The Foundation will loan successful applicants a Front Projection SMART Board interactive whiteboard with floor stand, and, if appropriate to their research, a Senteo interactive response system.
The SMART Board 600i ( interactive whiteboard system combines a SMART Board interactive whiteboard and a Unifi projector with an integrated audio system.
"Briefing Room Interactive represents a perfect application of the SMART Board interactive whiteboard and the SMART Board for Flat-Panel Displays interactive overlay," says Nancy Knowlton, president and co-CEO of SMART.
SMART TECHNOLOGIES' Smart Board 600i interactive whiteboard system, which includes a Smart Board interactive whiteboard, the new Unifi projector, and a built-in 20-watt audio system, streamlines the classroom and simplifies the effort teachers must make to learn new electronics.
announced that a free copy of SMART Ideas concept-mapping software for the Microsoft Windows operating system would be shipping with every SMART Board interactive whiteboard. The software can be used for brainstorming, organizing ideas and planning projects.