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(Geological Science) geology an ancient soil horizon
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Sheldon, "Examining the spatial consistency of palaeosol proxies: implications for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions in terrestrial sedimentary basins," Sedimentology, vol.
The previous Br tracer experiment showed that, because of unsaturated lateral transport, the Br tracer did not enter the underlying Palaeosol (Barkle et al.
[17] suggested that considerable lake evaporation and low soil respiration rates existed in the Oligocene of the Nima basin based on the oxygen isotope values in palaeo-lacustrine carbonates and carbon isotope values in palaeosol carbonates, which is indicative of an arid climate.
Boulay, "Structural characteristics of clay-dominated soils of a marsh and a palaeosol in a crossed diagram," European Journal of Soil Science, vol.
(1986) recorded a low lacustrine sedimentation rate and numerous palaeosol layers for the Brunhes Chron, indicating drying of the lakebed and lowering of the watertable to promote pedogenesis, before Late Brunhes salt lake development.
In fact, a concreted, oily palaeosol, now largely buried by advancing sand dunes, was identified to the southeast of the site.
Based on their similarity in several physical (Table 1) and chemical properties (Table 2), the 7 investigated materials can be split into 2 groups, namely the 5 Ignimbrite materials (1-4, 7) and the 2 Palaeosol materials (5, 6).
The remains of repeated small scale camping episodes were uncovered in a palaeosol capping a buried pelletal clay lunette.
Whereas the presence of relatively large, thick-shelled unionoid clams argues for perennial river settings, the presence of abundant palaeosol rhizoliths suggests at least seasonally dry conditions.
The silt loam layer in the Waihora profile at a depth of around 1.3-1.8m was different than the other vadose zone materials sampled, due to its high allophane content and very high concentrations of extractable [NO.sub.3]-N and DOC, and it was identified as a palaeosol that was buried during the AD 186 Taupo eruption.