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Noun1.simal - East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok
Bombax, genus Bombax - trees of chiefly South America
tree - a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
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References in periodicals archive ?
He identified them as Mohammad Jumdatul Harun, 42; Abdulnarar Akmad Mohammad, 33; Samsol Dungun Asmann, 20; Adzmar Aminosa Sinnung, 26; Gun Abdillah Supian, 29; Amil Pulalun, 28; Simal Aharol 26; and two minors aged 13 and 16 years old.
A single bench of IHC comprising Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani conducted hearing of the petition moved by Raja Basharat's alleged wife Simal Raja seeking his disAqualification.
Capital-based aesthetic dermatologist Simal Soin, Aayna, Khan Market, suggests: * Choose a doctor who is not only certified, but who has an eye for aesthetics and works carefully to understand your face and create a personalised approach to your lips.
The spokesperson said some 700,000 spalings of Shisham, Kachnar, Kikar, Phulai and Chir would be distributed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 500,000 saplings of Timar, Neem, Kikar, Shisham, Siris, Sohanjana and Imli in Sindh, 150,000 saplings of Shisham, Kikar, Phulai, Siris, Amaltas, Kachnar, Simal, Neem and others be distributed in Punjab, and 60,000 saplings Chilgoza Pine, Quetta Pine, Bhan, Kikar and Frash in Balochistan.
Also in the class were Humaira Imran, 53, and her 18-year-old daughter Simal, who was preparing to enrol in college.
I'll keep trying." Also in the class were Humaira Imran, 53, and her 18-year-old daughter Simal, who was preparing to enroll in college.
"I saw Dr Simal and he said exactly the same as the doctor in England, and it was a little bit of a relief that I wasn't being diagnosed with two different things.