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Adj.1.silvery-white - of a white that resembles silver
achromatic, neutral - having no hue; "neutral colors like black or white"
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References in classic literature ?
At the first splash a silvery-white ghost rose bolt upright from the oily water and sighed a weird whistling sigh.
Patches covered with a silvery-white coating called scales.
The most common form of psoriasis is called "plaque psoriasis," which is characterized by raised patches of reddish skin with a silvery-white scale.
Sedum 'Cape Blanco' holds an RHS Award of Garden Merit and has golden flower heads over mats of small rosettes with silvery-white flesh.
Sempervivum 'Rubin' has dark maroon rosettes, Sedum 'Coral Carpet' has white flower heads over mats of bright-green tinged bronzered foliage, and Sedum 'Cape Blanco' will produce golden yellow flowers over mats of pretty rosettes of silvery-white fleshy leaves.
Sempervivum 'Rubin' has dark maroon rosettes, Sedum 'Coral Carpet' has white flower heads over mats of bright-green tinged bronze-red foliage, and Sedum 'Cape Blanco' will produce golden yellow flowers over mats of pretty rosettes of silvery-white fleshy leaves.
Its foliage is more delicate as well, with a velvety texture and silvery-white veins; it turns a fiery crimson in autumn.
Helichrysums really are the kings of the dried flower world with big daisy-like blooms that are near incandescent with red, orange and yellow, as well as pastel shades of rose, pink, cream and silvery-white.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized in most patients by red, raised patches of skin, or plaques, covered with silvery-white scales.
This song is a reference to the lustrous, silvery-white substance that is omitted from pearls and is also a nod to the Al Fardan family's heritage and pearl trading background.
This song is a reference to the lustrous, silvery-white substance that is omitted from pearls and also a nod to the Alfardan family's heritage and pearl trading background.
TALTZ, which is manufactured by Eli Lilly and Company, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis, an autoimmune condition with raised, red patches of skin covered with a silvery-white layer of dead skin cells.