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Adj.1.silvery-green - of something having a color that is a light shiny green
chromatic - being or having or characterized by hue
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It also has silvery-green variegated foliage but produces yellow flowers in June.
Hidcote, the best-loved variety, has violet-blue flowers and fragrant silvery-green foliage, reaching 45cm in height and spread.
Helichrysum petiolare brings a soft texture with its silvery-green leaves, a cool foil to the hotter plants.
Once lined with the gnarled trunks and silvery-green foliage of olive trees, the area has been stripped nearly bare.
Checkered Lily: Fun flower with nodding, bell-shaped blossoms on silvery-green foliage that is deer resistant.
The flowers have now finished but it has very appealing foliage: silvery-green edged with fresh cream and now tinged with a fiery pink.
They are a delicate silvery-green and are furry to the touch.
Silver leaf disease attacks cherries and plum trees and is very easy to spot, as pale silvery-green leaves appear on some branches and then the branch dies.
Based on its research for 2007-2009, PPG reports that in the blue family, there will be a move to soft, silvery-green shades and bright techno shades of aquamarine.
However, the nearby resort of Kala Nera - it means good waters - is just three kilometres away, and takes about an hour to reach on foot, through silvery-green olive groves and along beach paths.