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Noun1.pea-souper - a heavy thick yellow fog
fog - droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground
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[ˈpiːˈsuːpəʳ] Nniebla f muy densa
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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MY husband, an otherwise affable type, harbours a deep loathing; a hatred so profound it provokes less of a red mist to descend and more a full blown Victorian pea-souper.
As examples of the fog of war go, any talk of a government of "national unity" is a real pea-souper. How could it be unifying?
Chimney pots abound and you can just imagine fires blazing away in hearths, and with that would have been plenty of smoke on a winter evening, contributing, no doubt, to Paisley's own version of a pea-souper.
By future historians - who will write a library full of books on this era - she might well be see as brave and determined, As it stands, in this political pea-souper, no-one can shine a light.
By future historians -- who will write a library full of books on this era -- she might well be see as brave and determined, As it stands, in this political pea-souper, no-one can shine a light.
There was a danger that the Clarets' murky start to the season could have developed into a proper pea-souper and threaten their stay in the Premier League.
They, too, were hopelessly lost: the Germans had been ordered to counter-attack a New Zealand division, but had become disorientated in the pea-souper.
The notorious "pea-souper" fogs of old London town and queues of traffic spewing out leaded petrol fumes may be the stuff of history - but concerns over air pollution survive to this day.
Britain produces some of the best asparagus in the world and it makes a fantastic starter topped with a softly poached egg this filling, tasty soup was invented to help Londoners cope with the chill of a thick fog (or 'pea-souper') but it'll keep the cold at bay wherever you live asparagus, poached eggs and hoLLandaise sauce Serves 4 Ready in 20 minutes.
*Pregnant women, the elderly and babies are not advised to eat raw or partially cooked eggs This filling, tasty soup was invented to help Londoners cope with the chill of a thick fog (or 'pea-souper') but it'll keep the cold at bay wherever you live
ON a pea-souper of a night on Wearside, the fog of war finally lifted to reveal a Sunderland side capable of playing with the sort of verve and dynamism Paolo Di Canio had desperately longed for.