pebble dash

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pebble dash

(Building) a finish for external walls consisting of small stones embedded in plaster
vb (tr)
to cover with pebble dash
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

pebble dash

n (Brit) → intonaco a pinocchino
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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"We have Stone the Crows, Stone Balancing, The Most Stones Held in the Hand, Pebble Net Golf, No Stone Unturned, The Pebble Dash, Table Top Curling and any other games we can come up with.
The property is fronted by a classic pebble dash facade, unchanged since its build date of 1922.
QI LIVE in a bungalow which has white pebble dash and a big brown stain has appeared on the gable end.
Q I am trying to remove some blue graffiti spray from a pebble dash wall.
There are treatments which coat the pebble dash, holding it into place.
Holyhead was once scathingly described by a London-based columnist as a place "where pebble dash came to die".
Factory-made roofing tiles replaced hand-split Snowdonia slates, pebble dash covered the stone or brickwork and kept out the elements.
Carry on the good work by repainting the rendering or pebble dash. Scrape off flaking patches, kill the green mould that looks so dreadful and repair the chalky surfaces with a stabilising solution.
Remember no undercoat is needed for new pebble dash, spar dust or textured surfaces.
QI live in a bungalow which has white pebble dash and a massive brown stain has appeared on the gable end.
Q The front and side of my house is pebble dash, which I am planning to paint.
Homes in the area a remade up of a mixture of pebble dash council houses and new-build bungalows plus sheltered accommodation.