

n, pl -men
(Agriculture) a person who sells peat
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The committee for the new season will be made up of Chairman -Simon Humphreys, Vice -Chairman -Rob Peatman, Secretary -Stu Brown, Treasurer -Patrick Hood, 1st Team Manager -Ash Mace, Reserve Team Manager -Patrick Hood, Committee Members -James Lowery, Elliott Cooke, Loz Wall, Jack Tormey, James Dann and Dan Vowles.
Plaintiffs argue that their long standing relationship with defendant [Dale] Peatman and their reliance on him for advice and guidance (all as alleged in the Complaint) would support a finding of a fiduciary relationship.
Agnew, David J., John Pearce, Ganapathiraju Pramod, Tom Peatman, Reg Watson, John R.
CCL17 and CCL21 formed in the teleost clade first and then clustered within the mammal clades, which aligns with the findings of Peatman and Liu (2007).
Scott Gerien, a partner with wine-industry law firm Dickenson Peatman & Fogarty in Napa, Calif., said that cease-and-desist orders such as those Thornhill used have limited effectiveness.
In: Mucosal health in aquaculture (Beck BH, Peatman E, Eds), 1st ed., Academic Press, London, p.
Dickenson, Peatman and Fogarty acted as acquisition counsel for Homestead.
Consultant Dr Suzie Peatman said: "Removing Bethany's cyst took a lot of work from a lot of people to get right.
In 1993, Joe and Nancye Peatman, along with long time restaurateur Joe Ruffino, purchased what was then known as Willit's Brewery.
By Jared Peatman. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2013.
1994; Boyd & Hughes 1992; Fenwick & Rice 1991; Hughes 1992; Hughes & Lennox 1990; Maier et al 2007; Hallonquist & Peatman 1947; Hallonquist & Suchman 1979; Pham et al 1993; Schwerin 1940), these critics mistake the real time response reaction of the dial focus group with a large scale public opinion poll which relies on equal probability random sampling to estimate the attitudes of a larger sample.
Bill Peatman, who writes blog posts, emails and other content for websites for his corporate clients, doesn't have one for his own business.