peau d'orange

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Related to peau d'orange: Paget's disease

peau d'or·ange

n. Fr. piel de naranja, condición cutánea que asemeja la cáscara de naranja y que es señal importante en el cáncer de la mama.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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Mais il faut rester tres attentive a des modifications qui seraient inhabituelles , et ne pas hesiter un seul instant a consulter votre medecin traitant, surtout si on remarque l'apparition d'une petite boule dans le sein ou sous un bras (aisselle), ou si on remarque une modification de la peau du sein avec retraction, rougeur, oedeme ou aspect de peau d'orange, une modification du mamelon ou de l'areole (zone qui entoure le mamelon), retraction, changement de coloration, suintement ou ecoulement de liquide, sang ou des changements de forme de vos seins.
These comprise inward retraction of the skin, skin thickening to resemble orange peel (what we call peau d'orange).
Number 11 on the image is called "peau d'orange," this is when the skin of the breast looks like the dimpled skin of an orange.
Typically, the classical type presents as asymptomatic, multiple, soft, yellowish or skin-colored, sessile or pedunculated, papules or nodules, often coalescing into plaques whose surface may be smooth, wrinkled, or cerebriform or have a peau d'orange appearance that are present in a linear, zosteriform, or segmental pattern [3, 7].
IGM presents with complaints such as painful breast mass, redness, abscess, and fistula and sometimes mimics cancer because of withdrawal of the nipple and peau d'orange appearance.
Causes of blockage of these vessels include breast cancer where peau d'orange can sometimes be seen near to the tumour, and elephantiasis.
(5) Sometimes, skin over the nodule may be hyperemic with changes of peau d'orange and the axillary nodes may be enlarged mimicking inflammatory carcinoma breast.
Fundoscopic examination revealed angioid streaks around the optic discs and peau d'orange appearance in the temporal macula of both eyes.
The skin may also appear to have a peau d'orange texture.
Peau d'orange in breast cancer is thought to be due to occlusion of lymphatics by tumour emboli.
I do swim in lakes, although I keep my swimming costume firmly on for fear of disturbing the local fishermen with my peau d'orange buttocks."
* Eosinophilic fasciitis is a rare disorder characterized by symmetrical and painful inflammation and swelling of the extremities, leading to induration and the characteristic peau d'orange configuration.