chiller cabinet

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chiller cabinet

1. (Furniture) a cupboard or chest in a shop where chilled foods and drinks are displayed and kept cool
2. (Cookery) a cupboard or chest in a shop where chilled foods and drinks are displayed and kept cool
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Ranging between PS8-PS12, there's a chiller cabinet with boxes of smoked salmon, capers and bread or a full cheese ploughmans with all the trimmings.
A couple of months ago I swear I spotted a tub of ready made pancake batter in the supermarket chiller cabinet, ready to just pour into the pan.
Emma Hall, prosecuting on behalf of Birmingham City Council, said officers visited the premises on August 24 last year and discovered the food on display in a chiller cabinet in the store.
An accurate and fast model of the chiller cabinet performance during pull-down would enable the time, cost, and uncertainty of prototyping and performance characterization to be minimized.
It's available in 150g pots and can be found in the chiller cabinet of all good supermarkets, priced 45p.
The new Luxury Croquembouche Tower Of Profiteroles, PS7.99 (left) and Luxury Chocolate & Orange Choux Garland, PS4.99 (below) both defrost in a couple of hours and we liked them more than the chiller cabinet profiteroles we've had from other supermarkets - much cleaner, fresher pastry.
The website showcases the most recent innovations in chiller cabinet door solutions, offering quick and simple access to videos, gallery images, fact sheets and the latest news.
Abra-ca-Debora Diddy pancakes are initially being launched in 20 Waitrose stores throughout the UK and are conveniently packed in a pouch format which can be found in the chiller cabinet.
A product that is cooked and kept hot will attract VAT but a product that is cooked and put in a chiller cabinet won't.
I now realise how a banoffee pie feels sitting in the chiller cabinet.
Ingredients 400g pack Waitrose Ready to Cook soffritto (find in the chiller cabinet with the prepared veg) 2 x 500g packs New Zealand ground lamb 3tbsp worcestershire sauce 2tsp tomato pure 300ml hot lamb stock 1.25kg peeled floury potatoes, such as Maris Piper or King Edward, cut into large chunks 1-2 tbsp milk 2tbsp sunflower oil Method Preheat the oven to 200C, gas mark 6.
Our hectic schedules canmake it seem far easier to grab a sarnie from the nearest chiller cabinet thanmake it ourselves at home.