chill cabinet


chill cabinet

n (Brit) → Kühlvitrine f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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The market volume of these pre-prepared or ready-to-eat food products, which are sold from the chill cabinet, is growing annually at a rapid pace.
At the back of the shop, a woman bent over the chill cabinet, loading her wire basket with frozen pancakes.
Furthermore, thanks to the jar's smaller footprint compared to glass, more units can be incorporated into the same shelf space, while its shatter-resistance offers new opportunities for product placement, for example close to the chill cabinet.
What an irony that milk from a dairy herd on the Llyn, delivered to the doorstep of a house in Pwllheli or to the chill cabinet of the Spar in Abersoch must now go on such an enormous trek to the south-west of England and back first.
NatureFlex NVS has been specifically formulated to offer improved stiffness under chill cabinet conditions and a controlled level of moisture permeability with a heat-sealable, conversion-friendly coating on both sides.
He was seen to take a sandwich from the chill cabinet at the Shell garage on Askew Road, Gateshead, on September 6 and conceal it in his clothing.
Sources claim the late King of Pop is being kept in a chill cabinet at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills where his mum Katherine has frequently visited him.
A nice lady in the Middlesbrough store assures me on the run-up to Christmas I will be able to pick my favourite festive treat from a pile freshly delivered to the chill cabinet.
"They argue you wouldn't blame the supermarket if you bumped into your old flame by the chill cabinet and got back together."
Equally important, thanks to the jar's smaller footprint compared to glass, more units can be incorporated into the same shelf space, while its shatter-resistance offers new opportunities for product placement, for example close to the chill cabinet. "Our new ThermaLite[R] jar is a real breakthrough providing for the first time in a pasteurisable format, the clarity usually associated with glass with the light weight and consumer convenience benefits of plastic," commented Mike Hanratty, APPE's Business Development Director.
That box of luxury chocolates sits temptingly in the shop window or might it be that generous portion of gateaux in the chill cabinet? Can I hear you licking your lips?