Chilled Iron

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Chilled Iron

Cast iron that is rapidly cooled to make it harder and more wear resistant.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
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Hodge Clemco says the new blast-room is designed for work on fabrications weighing from 2kg to 50kg, using chilled iron abrasive.
An accidental spill of molten iron on a cold surface resulted in Ransome's discovery of chilled iron, which made much tougher shares that retained their edge longer.
Manufactured for the domestic tractor industry, from best quality forged steel & chilled iron casting.
Staff generally use chilled iron abrasive on mild steel and medium-grade garnet on aluminium.
Metal rolls are engineered and constructed of double-shell forged steel or chilled iron to maintain a uniform roll-face temperature with a profile variance within 2[degrees]F while operating up to 500[degrees]F.
Metals Cast: Gray (class 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 tensile and chilled iron), ductile (grades 64-45-12, 60-40-18, 80-55-06 and 100-70-03) and austempered ductile iron (grades 125-80-10 150-100-07, 175-125-04 and 200-155-01).
The outer shell is manufactured from alloy steel rather than chilled iron, providing improved cooling which presents production increases of up to 30%.
The types of chilled iron rolls supplied to the industry are cored, bored and drilled.
The chilled iron plows made by the Syracuse firm, however, were ideal for the loose, gravelly soil of the Eastern states and were quite popular.
AIA Shot Blasting uses chilled iron abrasive for all its work, with the used media being processed through a pneumatic sweep-in recovery unit.